Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioural Neurobiology


Address: Otfried-Müller-Straße 25
72076 Tübingen

Phone number: +49 7071 29-88923

Fax number: 07071 29-25016

E-mail address: anja.​otterbein@​uni-​tuebingen.​de

About us

Our Institute's work focuses on learning and memory in healthy participants and selected patient groups, with an emphasis on the role of sleep in memory formation. Furthermore, we are responsible for teaching psychology to medical students during their pre-clinical semesters.

Head of the department

Prof. Jan Born

Anja Otterbein

Phone number: +49 7071 29-88923

Fax number: +49 7071 29-25016

E-mail address:

Person profile: More about the person



Our research is focused on learning and memory. We examine these questions both in healthy participants and in selected patient groups.

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The Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology teaches introductory courses in psychology for medical students during their pre-clinical studies.

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Associated institutions and areas

The institute cooperates with the Christoph Dornier foundation , the Institute for diabetes research and metabolic diseases and the fMEG. 

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06. May 2019

Gesundheitstag "Gut schlafen" am 9. Mai

Am 9. Mai 2019, 19 bis 21 Uhr, lädt das Universitätsklinikum Tübingen wieder zum ...

05. May 2019

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