Maximum commitment to your health
Doctors and scientists are constantly working on our research into diseases.
We guarantee your health with the latest diagnostic and therapeutic methods and over 200 years of experience.
Doctors and scientists are constantly working on our research into diseases.
We guarantee your health with the latest diagnostic and therapeutic methods and over 200 years of experience.
In our Hospital-Finder we specify
the Hospitals, Institutes oder Centres
providing the suitable treatment
for your clinical picture.
Patients and visitors are best parked in one of the hospital car parks. Parking spaces for the disabled are also available.
Learn moreThe clinics are located at the two sites Valley Hospitals near the city centre and Hill Hospitals on the Schnarrenberg in the north of the city.
Learn moreFocus: Top National Hospital 2025
Stern: Germany's Outstanding Employers in Nursing 24/25
Quality partnership with the PKV
Family as a success factor
Pension provision for the public sector
Social News Feed
RT @NeuroOncoTue: We are more than happy that our publication is accepted by @EditorNeuro Fantastic collaboration with @LabWalz https:/…
RT @mhatricell: Thrilled about this symposium @i3S_UPorto featuring influential scientists & word-class research in #immunoengineering: Imm…
RT @irtg2804: 🎆 New year - new podcast !! 🎆 Our 1st conversation of 2025 features @EKaltsouni, who shares how her research has influenced…
Das Miniatur Immunsystem
Organe auf dem Mini-Biochip?! Was nach Science-Fiction klingt, ist bereits seit Jahren im Einsatz. Das Ganze nennt sich #OrganonChip Modelle. Diese Biochips, die nicht größer als eine 2 Euromünze sind, simulieren die Funktionen von Organen im Miniaturformat. Das Ziel: die Arzneimittelentwicklung zu revolutionieren! Gerade die #Krebsforschung würde hiervon profitieren, da die Krankheit weiterhin die zweithäufigste Todesursache ist. Um die #Krebsimmuntherapie weiter zu verbessern, wird eine Tübinger Forschungsgruppe rund um Peter Loskill mit bis zu 6 Millionen Euro von der Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung gefördert. Ihr neuer Ansatz: das menschliche #Immunsystem im Miniaturformat nachzubilden. Die menschliche Immunantwort und die Reaktion der #Tumore auf Krebstherapien sollen realitätsnah nachgebildet werden. Die Forscherinnen und Forscher wollen das Zusammenspiel von Krebs- und Immunzellen besser verstehen und anhand dessen neue personalisierte Therapien entwickeln. Mit Organ-on-Chip-Modellen gewinnt die Forschung neben Tiermodellen eine weitere Methode, um neue Therapieoptionen zu testen. Obwohl bereits einige #Alternativmethoden im Einsatz sind, sind diese noch nicht in der Lage, sämtliche Tierversuche in der Forschung zu ersetzen, sodass die Forschung in absehbarer Zeit auf Untersuchungen am lebenden Tier nicht völlig verzichten kann. So sind Tierversuche zum Zweck toxikologischer Untersuchungen und anderer Unbedenklichkeitsprüfungen in Deutschland ohnehin rechtlich vorgeschrieben.
Das Miniatur Immunsystem
Organe auf dem Mini-Biochip?! Was nach Science-Fiction klingt, ist bereits seit Jahren im Einsatz. Das Ganze nennt sich #OrganonChip Modelle. Diese Biochips, die nicht größer als eine 2 Euromünze sind, simulieren die Funktionen von Organen im Miniaturformat. Das Ziel: die Arzneimittelentwicklung zu revolutionieren! Gerade die #Krebsforschung würde hiervon profitieren, da die Krankheit weiterhin die zweithäufigste Todesursache ist. Um die #Krebsimmuntherapie weiter zu verbessern, wird eine Tübinger Forschungsgruppe rund um Peter Loskill mit bis zu 6 Millionen Euro von der Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung gefördert. Ihr neuer Ansatz: das menschliche #Immunsystem im Miniaturformat nachzubilden. Die menschliche Immunantwort und die Reaktion der #Tumore auf Krebstherapien sollen realitätsnah nachgebildet werden. Die Forscherinnen und Forscher wollen das Zusammenspiel von Krebs- und Immunzellen besser verstehen und anhand dessen neue personalisierte Therapien entwickeln. Mit Organ-on-Chip-Modellen gewinnt die Forschung neben Tiermodellen eine weitere Methode, um neue Therapieoptionen zu testen. Obwohl bereits einige #Alternativmethoden im Einsatz sind, sind diese noch nicht in der Lage, sämtliche Tierversuche in der Forschung zu ersetzen, sodass die Forschung in absehbarer Zeit auf Untersuchungen am lebenden Tier nicht völlig verzichten kann. So sind Tierversuche zum Zweck toxikologischer Untersuchungen und anderer Unbedenklichkeitsprüfungen in Deutschland ohnehin rechtlich vorgeschrieben.
After many years on Twitter/X, it is time to say goodbye - we will continue posting on our research on #LinkedIn
Join the Tübingen Clinician Scientist Community!
What would you like to be? A #Physician or a #Scientist? Choosing between career paths is never an easy decision. It seems like you will always have to decide for something and against something at the same time. What if we tell you that you can choose the best of both worlds? Working as a physician in the clinic close to the patient is a fulfilling job. Conducting research in the lab developing new therapies that can transfer from bench to bedside can be just as fulfilling. The one does not exclude the other! That’s why the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen offers a great opportunity for physicians who want to master the balancing act between science and clinic. The #ClinicianScientist Track combines three programs tailored to three different steps of the individual career path of a future clinician scientist. • Starting with our Junior Program, we support highly motivated Clinician Scientists in their first two years of specialization. During the two-year funding period, participants will benefit from all the services offered by our very own Talent Academy. • Our DFG-funded MINT-CS Program is aimed at physicians in the second half of their specialist training and shall address interdisciplinary questions in a broad field of expertise which reaches from Oncology, Immunology, Neurosciences up to Infectiology or even Digital Health just to give a little insight! • Last but not least our Advanced Clinician Scientist Program offers habilitated physicians with an established research profile the opportunity to pursue their career as a clinician scientist. In addition, it supports the participating clinics in establishing Medical Faculty Clinician Scientist Professorships. Besides our program, our Medical Faculty offers a state-of-the-art research environment and has several outstanding institutions. We are speaking of three Clusters of Excellence, five German Centers for Health Research and Tuebingen as the headquarter of the National Center for Tumor Diseases SouthWest just to name but a few. So what are you waiting for? Submit your application until February 23rd 2025 and secure one of our spots in our Clinician Scientist Program. For detailed information check out our website:
🚨 It's about time to move to the other side 🦋. We will continue posting our latest research on #immunopeptidomics and #clinicaltrials on See you there! 🚀
RT @irtg2804: ? Our last #scicomm #podcast of the 2024 is another Let’s Talk WITH Young Researchers episode in which we give the word to yo…
Medical Faculty of Tuebingen: Annual review 2024
2024 had a lot to offer for the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen. Many challenges that we were able to overcome together and successful milestones to celebrate. On behalf of the Deanery our Dean Prof. Pichler looks back on the past year addressing milestones and key events and pointing out the challenges we have successfully mastered. This success would have never been possible without the ongoing efforts, hard work and dedication of every single member of the Faculty of Medicine. That is why the Deanery would like to thank each and everyone one of you for your commitment and wishes you all for the upcoming days and weeks a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We are looking forward to seeing you in 2025 and continuing our succesful journey! 00:37 Cluster Proposals 02:22 Study Programs 03:16 ERC Grants 03:49 New Professors 04:20 Clinician Scientist Program 06:00 Sustainability Award 06:39 Hochschulfinanzierungsvereinbarung III 08:51 Happy Holidays
Have fun ????
RT @jitcancer: New #JITC article: Neoantigen architectures define immunogenicity and drive immune evasion of tumors with heterogenous neoan…
RT @irtg2804: After #worldmenopauseday in October, the importance of #Menopause for women’s health continues! ? Join our conversation with…
Erklärvideo zur Veranstaltungsevaluation an der Medizinischen Fakultät
Erklärvideo zur Lehrevaluation an der Medizinischen Fakultät
Erklärvideo zur Dozierendenevaluation an der Medizinischen Fakultät
Revision der Deklaration von Helsinki: Wichtige Änderungen bei den indviduellen Heilversuchen
Professor Urban Wiesing, Direktor des Instituts für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin am Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, war bei der Revision der wichtigsten ethischen Richtlinie für die Foschung am Menschen 2024 dabei. Hier erläutert er, welche Änderungen in Bezug auf individuelle Heilversuche und klinische Studien mit der Revision einhergehen. Diese werden Einfluss haben auf den klinischen Alltag.
RT @CoE_iFIT: ?You are a ?? ?? #Bioinformatician and have a soft spot for working on mass spectrometry-based #immunopeptidomics and the…
?You are a ?? ?? #Bioinformatician and have a soft spot for working on mass spectrometry-based #immunopeptidomics and the characterization of #tumor-associated #antigens? ?Then become part of @LabWalz and apply now! ➡️ #Job #jobopportunities
We are #hiring! ? Join our #bioinformatics team in a truly #interdisciplinary environment driving #immunopeptidomics analyses and pipeline development with direct impact on advancing patient treatment! Check out the full job description:
@JosefLeibold is part of the newest episode of “Exzellenz Erklärt”, the #science #podcast of all 57 German Clusters of Excellence! He wants to improve CAR T Cell #Immunotherapy for solid #tumors using cellular senescence! Tune in! @uni_tue @uni_tue_exstra
Finishing our #diversity symposium with a roundtable session! Our PhDs & Postdocs have the possibility to get in touch with our guest speakers and get first hand information on their experience dealing with challenges with diversity in science!
?Blessed to have such a beautiful venue for our #Symposium! Fruitful discussions surrounding #diversity in #science and unconscious biases in #research
Kicking off our #Diversity, #Inclusion & #Family in #Science Symposium is Coach Dorothee Kaiser with an interesting talk on "Are we biased against ourselves? Unconscious biases, self-limiting beliefs, and female role models in science
PhD position in Immunology of #Endometriosis at Uni Hospital Tübingen! Join the ENDO-RELIEF project (65%, 3 years, with extension option). Apply by 25.11.2024. More info: #PhDPosition #Immunology #Endometriosis #ResearchJobs #jobalert #hiring
RT @CoE_iFIT: ?Congrats @LabWalz! ?Juliane received the SWISS BRIDGE Award 2024! ??The prize money of 250,000 Swiss francs supports the im…
?Congrats @LabWalz! ?Juliane received the SWISS BRIDGE Award 2024! ??The prize money of 250,000 Swiss francs supports the implementation of her clinical study investigating new, promising approaches to treating #cancer with #immunotherapies.
If you want to learn more about asexuality, you may visit the AVEN website ( or The Trevor Project (
intensity. It is important to note that asexuality is not a medical condition! While a loss of libido for example can indeed occur due to underlying psychological or physiological health reasons, asexuality is a sexual orientation and an identity.
Asexuality is a spectrum with many different identities and micro-labels, such as demisexuality, where people only experience sexual attraction after a strong emotional connection was formed, and graysexuality, where people feel sexual attraction only very rarely or at a very low
Therefore, asexuals may experience romantic without sexual attraction, while aromantic people do not experience romantic attraction, even though they may feel sexual attraction.
It needs to be differentiated from celibacy, i.e., the choice to abstain from sexual activity. The asexual community often refers to the split attraction model, in which romantic and sexual attraction (as well as others such as aesthetic attraction) are separated.
The Asexual Visibility & Education Network (AVEN), one of the largest community-based online resources regarding asexuality, describes an asexual person as someone who is not drawn to people sexually and does not desire to act upon attraction to others in a sexual way.
October 20-26th is Ace Week, formerly known as Asexual Awareness Week! ?
Well done, Serenay ?! Congratulations!
RT @SchuhLab: Each month an #egg is ovulated from the #ovary, starting the journey of reproduction. But how does ovulation occur?? Our lat…
RT @irtg2804: Fresh from our summer break, we're back with a new podcast ??️ This time featuring the amazing @TrekelsJolien, who visited @i…
Congratulations to Susanne Jung on winning the poster #award at this year's #DGHO24 meeting in #Basel. She was introducing our #clinicaltrial using #peptide-based #vaccination for the treatment of #fibrolamellar #hcc #patients. @dgho_eV
RT @irtg2804: For our German-speaking community ?: listen to our @franziweinmar talking about her PhD experience - including challenges an…
RT @irtg2804: Very excited to share that PhD researcher Anna Denninger presented her work on "Impacts of Estradiol Administration and Emoti…
Inspiring, insightful, amazing talks and posters on #WomensMentalHealth and #WomensBrainFunction at #WomHer at #UppsalaUniversity. We congratulate our PhD-candidate @MelinaGrahlow for receiving the Best-Speaker-Award ??????
RT @irtg2804: We had an amazing time at #WOMHER ✨thanks for all the great talks and exchange about women’s mental health ?…
RT @TueNeuroCampus: ?Great speaker line-up: Belinda Pletzer @PLUS_1622, @roxana_zeraati & @MatthiasPhilip6, Read Montague @FralinBiomed, @r…
RT @serenay_yazici: Had a great time presenting my poster at the #WOMHER Congress on women’s mental health! ? ?????????????♀️ Excited…
Proud to announce that @JulianeWalz received the Robert Pfleger Foundation #research #award for peptide-based #immunotherapy of #tumors and #infections! Congrats also to Marion @subklewe for her award! ?
RT @CoE_iFIT: ?#Congrats to our spokesperson @JulianeWalz! ? She received the #Research #Award from the Robert Pfleger Foundation! The #pri…
?#Congrats to our spokesperson @JulianeWalz! ? She received the #Research #Award from the Robert Pfleger Foundation! The #prize is endowed with 50,000€ and is awarded every two years. The Foundation honors the achievements of Prof. Walz regarding peptid-based #immunotherapy
Recommendation for our German-speaking community ?: listen to @franziweinmar talking about her PhD research experience - including challenges & how to grow (together) a little every day ??
Great news! Our postdoc researcher @acskimmig has just published a new paper using an adapted version of the Tübingen Empathy Test, now suitable for assessing empathy and emotional reactivity also in mixed-sex clinical samples.
RT @irtg2804: ? Congratulations to our PhD Candidate @franziweinmar for receiving the excellence award for her poster on neural emotion reg…