

Phone number: +49 7071 29-0

General inquiries

E-mail address:

Postal address

Address: University Hospital
Postfach 2669
72016 Tübingen

Opinion echo: praise and complaints

Tell us what you think

Did you like something in particular? Do you have a suggestion what we could do better? Here you can send us your praise or complaint. Give us feedback. Your opinion is important to us. Only with your help can we constantly improve our performance.


+49 7071 29-87500 

Our hotline is available on weekdays between 9 and 12 am.

Your feedback via online form

You can tell us your opinion directly via the Internet:
Simply fill in the opinion form and send it off.

(German language)

To the online opinion form

If you would like to write to us

University Hospital Tübingen Central Division of Medicine
Structure, Process and Quality Management
Hoppe-Seyler-Strasse 6
72076 Tübingen

Your feedback directly on site

Opinion sheets are available in the entrance areas, patient admission, at the gates, in the outpatient clinics, in the waiting areas and on the wards of the clinics. You can also provide feedback on these. Please drop the completed sheets in the mailboxes provided. Our teams at the gates and information will be happy to help you.

Certificates and Associations