and visitors

Social counselling and care transition

In order to guarantee further medical treatment and nursing care after the inpatient stay, we offer our patients a structured discharge management with their consent. The social counselling or nursing transfers then sit down with our patients and, if desired, with their relatives to discuss and organise further care.

Strong together!

Sometimes patients need social counselling and also the transition of care. For example, if before the start of a rehab the patient can be discharged home - and help is needed there. No problem. We are a team and work closely together.

Data protection

Already at the time of admission to hospital, you will be asked for written consent to discharge management and the associated transfer of data, e.g. to nursing services.

Strong together!

Social counselling

The social counselling service supports patients and their relatives with current personal and social problems related to their illness and the effects on their lives and those of their relatives.

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Care transition

The nursing transition advises and supports patients and relatives when they go home after their stay in the clinic. It offers assistance in further care, for example by organizing an outpatient nursing service.

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Oliver Kutz

Dipl. Pflegewirt (FH)
Head of Social Counselling and Care Transition Division

Address: Otfried-Müller-Strasse 10, 72076 Tübingen

Phone number: +49 7071 29-87572

Fax number: +49 7071 29-4378

Michelle Ott

Health and social services specialist (IHK)
Deputy Head of Social Counseling and Care Transition

Address: Otfried-Müller-Strasse 10, 72076 Tübingen, Germany

Phone number: +49 7071 29-85077

Fax number: +49 7071 29-4644

Certificates and Associations