Address: Calwerstraße 14
72076 Tübingen

Person profile: 07071 29-82311

Fax number: 07071 29-4141

Social Counseling

Social pedagogues, social workers and qualified pedagogues at our clinic will advise and support you and your relatives. This is done in coordination with the treatment team and - with your consent - with other institutions such as outpatient services, counselling centres, authorities, homes and rehabilitation facilities, if required. Our team works in committees and working groups of the regional psychosocial care.


Contact: Please call our gate to be connected with the responsible contact person from the social service or ask directly on the ward.

frontend.sr-only_#{element.icon}: +49 7071 29-82311

The social counselling service will be happy to help you with any questions you may have on the following topics

  • Securing your livelihood, such as social assistance or housing benefit
  • Social security matters (health and nursing care insurance, sickness benefit, unemployment benefit, pension)
  • Planning and cost clarification of outpatient and inpatient measures of medical, social and vocational rehabilitation
  • Mediation of work trial places and reintegration at the workplace
  • Assisted living and home admission as well as organisation of home care
  • Outpatient services and counselling centres (e.g. social psychiatric service, integration specialist service, gerontological psychiatric counselling centre, addiction and debt counselling)
  • Self-help and contact groups

Discharge Management

The University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (like all hospitals) is legally obliged to prepare your further care following treatment in hospital according to your personal needs. For this purpose, a special concept for the so-called discharge management has been developed at our clinic.

Discharge management with your consent

The implementation of discharge management requires your consent. You will already receive written information on this during admission and will be asked for your consent.


If you have any questions about discharge management, please contact:

frontend.sr-only_#{element.icon}: Your attending physicians or psychotherapists

frontend.sr-only_#{element.icon}: Your care team

frontend.sr-only_#{element.icon}: Your social counselling team

Discharge plan

In close consultation with you, the staff of the various professional groups will determine your probable needs for further care after your time in hospital and draw up a discharge plan as early as possible. With your consent, relatives or other important persons in your environment as well as supporting services and facilities will be included in the discharge management.

Continuing care includes, but is not limited to:

  • further medical and psychotherapeutic treatment,
  • prescribed medication,
  • other therapies, aids and remedies,
  • rehabilitation and nursing services
  • social psychiatric support services.

If necessary, we will support you in organising the appropriate services and assistance and contact the service providers who will continue to treat and care for you. If the support of discharge management by the health or long-term care insurance fund is useful and necessary, we will pass on the data necessary for planning to them with your consent.

Certificates and Associations