Address: Calwerstraße 14
72076 Tübingen

Person profile: 07071 29-82311

Fax number: 07071 29-4141

Information for patients, relatives and interested parties

Mental illnesses are common and often cause years of suffering. They are so widespread that almost every second person suffers from mental illness at least once in the course of his or her life. These illnesses can usually be treated well with psychotherapy and medication on an outpatient basis, but sometimes hospitalisation is necessary. The University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Tübingen offers you a modern range of treatment tailored to your needs in a historic setting. We have the most modern diagnostic procedures at our disposal, so that we can also clarify complex illnesses.


You can present yourself at the gate at any time and without referral or call in and speak to the doctor on duty.

frontend.sr-only_#{element.contextual_1.children.icon}: +49 7071 29-82684

Psychiatric care

When faced with questions, concerns and crises, nurses take on a mediating role between patients and the demands of everyday hospital life.

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Hospital chaplaincy

The ecumenical pastoral care team is there for all patients, regardless of religion or denomination.

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Social Counseling

Social pedagogues, social workers and qualified pedagogues of our clinic advise and support you and your relatives.

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Discharge Management

The preparation of your further care following your treatment in hospital will be carried out according to your personal needs.

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Support through family groups

The relatives' groups at our clinic are led by experienced colleagues. They offer those affected valuable information and, above all, aim to promote exchange among relatives.

Information, advice and complaints office (IBB office)

Since the Mental Health Assistance Act came into force, the city and district authorities have been obliged to set up an independent information, advice and complaints office (IBB office). You can access the Tübingen IBB office via the following link.

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Anti-Discrimination Commission of the University Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Tübingen

Our aim is to support people in coping with mental health crises and illnesses. Our clinic is therefore committed to reducing discrimination, racism, exclusion and stigmatization. We want to provide specialized contact persons for patients.

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Certificates and Associations