Relatives group for relatives of people with psychosis disorders
The relatives' group is aimed at relatives of patients with psychosis disorders and is part of the treatment programme of Ward 21, but is also open to relatives of patients from other wards or outpatient departments of the University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.
The four appointments take place online every 14 days and are led by a doctor or a psychologist.
There are two important topics at each appointment:
1. you can talk to the group leader and the relatives of other patients about your situation and thereby experience support.
2. we give general information about psychosis illnesses and their treatment possibilities. This should help you to better classify the complaints of your relative and to better understand the treatment measures.
Specific questions about a person's treatment cannot be discussed in the group. We recommend that you contact your relative's therapist in this regard - with your relative's consent.
You can find the individual dates in our calendar of events. Please register in advance for each date you would like to attend via the calendar date. You will then receive the access data.
Current dates
We look forward to talking with you!