Department of Medicine
Clinical Collaboration Unit Translational Immunology


Address: Otfried-Müller-Str. 10
72076 Tübingen

Administration Office{element.icon}: +49 7071 29-83275{element.icon}: +49 7071 29-4391{element.icon}:

AG Maurer

Scientific focus

We analyze the role of platelets in immunology and tumor progression with:

  • Role of platelets in immune evasion 
  • Molecular mechanisms underlying platelet-tumor interaction and their influence on cancer biology and therapy resistance
  • Novel approaches to neutralize deleterious effects of platelets using drug repurposing

We characterize expression and function of immunoregulatory molecules by platelets, tumor and immune cells, especially NK cells. Among others, this comprises various members of the TNF/TNFR superfamily and the NKG2D/NKG2D ligand system. Moreover, we study the direct influence of platelet-derived factors on tumor biology and resistance to systemic treatment.
Our work aims to increase the basic understanding of tumor biology and immunology, but also to develop therapeutic strategies to block tumor-promoting effects by platelets. Altogether, our goal is to identify important molecular players which ideally may be targeted by available therapeutic drugs in a novel pathophysiologic context (drug repurposing). Development of inventive therapeutic strategies by indication extension for available drugs can be directly transferred to clinical application since the cumbersome and time consuming requirements for de novo production are not required. Thereby, patients with cancer can more rapidly benefit from results of our research.

Contact{element.contextual_1.children.icon}: Dr. rer. nat. Stefanie Maurer Junior Research Group Leader

More about the person

Laboratory{element.contextual_1.children.icon}: +49 07071 29-82804
+49 07071 29-82838


Awards and prizes

  • Young Investigator Award, 20th International AEK Cancer Congress to Stefanie Maurer (02/2019)
  • Best Abstract Award, Annual meeting of the DGHO, Stuttgart to Stefanie Maurer (10/2017)
  • Poster Award, Annual meeting of the DGHO, Stuttgart to Stefanie Maurer (09/2017)
  • Poster Award, Annual meeting of the DGHO, Vienna to Stefanie Maurer (10/2013)
  • Young Investigator Award, Annual meeting of the DGHO, Stuttgart to Stefanie Maurer (10/2012)
  • Abstract Achievement Award, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology“, Atlanta to Stefanie Maurer (12/2012)


Our research is supported by an Innovation grant to SM by the Institutional Strategy of the University of Tuebingen (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, ZUK 63).

Selected publications

  • Maurer S, Salih HR, Smirnov I, Lauer UM, Berchtold S. 2019 Suicide gene-armed measles vaccinevirus for the treatment of AML. International Journal of Oncology 55(2): 347–358.
  • Clar K, Hinterleitner C, Salih HR, Maurer S. 2019 Modulation of NK reactivity against solid tumorsby platelet-derived RANKL. Cancers (Basel) 11(3): 277.
  • Maurer S*, Kropp KN*, Klein G, Steinle A, Haen SP, Walz JS, Hinterleitner C, Maerklin M, Kopp HGand Salih HR. 2017 Platelet-mediated shedding of NKG2D ligands impairs NK cell immunesurveillanceof tumor cells. OncoImmunology 7 (2): e1364827.
  • Wild J, Schmiedel BJ, Maurer A, Raab S, Prokop L, Stevanovic S, Dorfel D, Schneider P, and SalihHR. 2015 Neutralization of (NK-cell-derived) B-cell activating factor by Belimumab restoressensitivity of chronic lymphoid leukemia cells to direct and Rituximab-induced NK lysis. Leukemia29: 1676-1683.
  • Raab S*, Steinbacher J*, Schmiedel BJ, Kousis PC, Steinle A, Jung G, Grosse-Hovest L, and SalihHR. 2014 Fc-Optimized NKG2D–Fc Constructs Induce NK Cell Antibody-Dependent CellularCytotoxicity against Breast Cancer Cells Independently of HER2/neu Expression Status. TheJournal of Immunology 193: 4261-4272.

Certificates and Associations

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