Address: Medizinische Fakultät
Geissweg 5/1
72076 Tübingen

Contact person{element.icon}: Brigitte Lindenbauer{element.icon}: +49 7071 29-77915{element.icon}:

Clinician Scientist

Clinician scientists are physicians who treat patients while conducting research at an internationally competitive level. They play a key role in transferring findings from basic research to patient care and are a vital element of innovation at the bedside.

When physicians conduct research in parallel with everyday clinical practice, both research and patient care benefit. Direct contact with patients brings clinically relevant aspects of research into focus, and creative ideas and new findings can be incorporated into treatment.

Pursuing a career as a physician dedicated to research is a great challenge. It requires a structured and long-term scientific activity alongside the clinical career, in which clinical and scientific competencies are developed and used simultaneously.

Road map: becoming a clinician scientist at the faculty of medicine in Tübingen

How to apply from outside the UKT

Applications from outside the UKT are possible and welcome, but the following points should be noticed: Our Clinician Scientist Programs promote a scientific career in parallel with clinical training. Participation in the program is therefore only possible during your specialist training at the UKT (including employment contract). Before applying, you should therefore contact the relevant clinics or specialist departments to find out about vacancies. Contacts with research institutions at the University or University Hospital Tübingen, relevant to your research project can be established at the same time. The program is announced once a year, usually in November/December. The call for applications, including deadlines, is published on our website, in job advertisements and through various other channels.

Find your individual qualification program

Select the stage of your scientific career to see all the internal qualification programs available for you.


bingen Research Experience: students gain experience in the field of science and research early on in their studies; opportunity to get to know Tübingen's main research areas and gain an insight into an exciting field of work

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Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Medicine (IPM); aimed at students of human medicine and dentistry who wish to conduct a challenging doctoral thesis; training program gives an insight into current topics in medical research.

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PhD in Experimental Medicine

Target group: graduates of medical courses and natural sciences interested in an intensive scientific education; preparation for an activity in the field of medical research and basic research; particularly gifted medical students can begin their PhD studies after passing M1.

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PhD in Experimental Medicine

Target group: graduates of medical courses and natural sciences interested in an intensive scientific education; preparation for an activity in the field of medical research and basic research; particularly gifted medical students can begin their PhD studies after passing M1.

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Junior Clinician Scientist (JCS)

Provides scientifically interested physicians with protected freedom for research periods already at the beginning of their residency training; possibility to lay the foundation for subsequent research projects.

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Clinician Scientist (MINT-CS)

Fosters medical innovation through interdisciplinarity by promoting the development of physicians in key areas of translational, as well as in areas currently underrepresented for CS; qualification curriculum and development of translational research projects in close collaboration between clinical departments and basic science laboratories.

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Junior TüFF

For promising young female scientists who have already done experimental work in their doctoral thesis or have demonstrated a high affinity for research in some other way (e.g. through research sabbaticals).

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TüFF Habil

For female clinicians and natural scientists with routine duties at the Faculty of Medicine in the second phase of postdoctoral training

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Junior Clinician Scientist (JCS)

Provides scientifically interested physicians with protected freedom for research periods already at the beginning of their residency training; possibility to lay the foundation for subsequent research projects.

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Clinician Scientist (MINT-CS)

Fosters medical innovation through interdisciplinarity by promoting the development of physicians in key areas of translational, as well as in areas currently underrepresented for CS; qualification curriculum and development of translational research projects in close collaboration between clinical departments and basic science laboratories.

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Advanced Clinician Scientist (ACS)

Supports clinical specialists with an excellent track record and mobility experience by funding of 30% research time for 3 years and providing an excellent research and networking environment with access to continued qualification programs.

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Junior TüFF

For promising young female scientists who have already done experimental work in their doctoral thesis or have demonstrated a high affinity for research in some other way (e.g. through research sabbaticals).

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TüFF Habil

For female clinicians and natural scientists with routine duties at the Faculty of Medicine in the second phase of postdoctoral training

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Clinician Scientist (MINT-CS)

Fosters medical innovation through interdisciplinarity by promoting the development of physicians in key areas of translational, as well as in areas currently underrepresented for CS; qualification curriculum and development of translational research projects in close collaboration between clinical departments and basic science laboratories.

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Advanced Clinician Scientist (ACS)

Supports clinical specialists with an excellent track record and mobility experience by funding of 30% research time for 3 years and providing an excellent research and networking environment with access to continued qualification programs.

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TüFF Habil

For female clinicians and natural scientists with routine duties at the Faculty of Medicine in the second phase of postdoctoral training

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Advanced Clinician Scientist (ACS)

Supports clinical specialists with an excellent track record and mobility experience by funding of 30% research time for 3 years and providing an excellent research and networking environment with access to continued qualification programs.

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