The University Hospital

Supervisory Board of Directors

The Supervisory Board is responsible for the development of the University Hospital Tübingen. He appoints, supervises and advises the hospital board of directors. It decides on fundamental changes in the organization of the University Hospital, the adoption of the business plan and annual financial statements as well as on legal transactions of particular significance, such as spin-offs or investments in other companies.

Chairman of the Board

Dr. Hans J. Reiter





Prof. Dr. Karla Pollmann
Vice-Chairman, Rector of the University of Tübingen

Thorsten Greiner
Representative of the Ministry of Finance

Leonie Dirks
Representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs

Prof. Dr. Peter Grathwohl
Prorector Research of the University of Tübingen

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Rall
External expert from the business community

Dr. Ingrid Zech
External experts from the business world

Prof. Dr. Rita Engenhart-Cabillic
External experts from medical science

Prof. Dr. Werner Hohenberger
External expert from medical science

Prof. Dr. Elmar Merkle
External expert from science

Katrina Binder
Representative of the staff of the university hospital

Geschäfsstelle Aufsichtsrat und Vorstand

Certificates and Associations