Address: Otfried-Müller-Str. 4/1
72076 Tübingen

Medical and scientific team

This page is made up of the published personal profiles of the medical and scientific staff of the clinic and therefore makes no claim to completeness. By clicking on the name you can view the profile page of the selected person.

Prof. Dr. med. Tamam Bakchoul

Prof. Dr. med. Tamam Bakchoul

Ärztlicher Direktor

Phone number: Sekretariat: 07071 29-81602

Fax number: 07071 29-5240

E-mail address: zkt.sekretariat@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Publications: Publications

Personenprofil: More about the person

Dr. Stefanie Hammer

Dr. Stefanie Hammer


Phone number: 07071 29-68394

E-mail address: stefanie.hammer@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Publications: Publications

Personenprofil: More about the person

PD Dr. med. Markus W. Löffler

PD Dr. med. Markus W. Löffler

Arzt & wiss. Mitarbeiter

Phone number: 07071 29-69035

E-mail address: markus.loeffler@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Publications: NCBI - PubMed

Publications: ORCID

Publications: Google Scholar

Personenprofil: More about the person

Certificates and Associations

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