In the Talent Academy, already existing initiatives and individual measures are bundled and presented in the event database. For this purpose, we cooperate with a whole range of institutions and organizers, as listed exemplary and alphabetically below.
Our network / partners
Akademie für Bildung und Personalentwicklung (ABiP)
The Academy of the University Hospital Tübingen. PLEASE NOTE: Events here are held almost exclusively in German.
Baden-Württemberg Centre for Teaching and Learning (HDZ)
The HDZ strives to improve the quality of teaching and consequently raise the overall quality of degree programmes for students. In order to reach these two objectives, the HDZ has developed two sets of measures to be implemented. The first is to expand comprehensive continuing education opportunities in the field of educational development and the second consists of structurally improving the conditions for teaching.
Center for Clinical Studies Tübingen (ZKS Tübingen)
The Center for Clinical Studies Tübingen (ZKS Tübingen) is an institution of the Medical Faculty in cooperation with the University Hospital Tübingen.
Its task is to effectively support and coordinate all processes of clinical studies and to ensure and further develop the quality of patient-oriented clinical research in the academic environment.
Center for Teaching and Learning
We offer you a variety of opportunities for exchange, consultation, and qualification on all aspects of teaching: Whether it's semester planning, learning objectives, ideas for online teaching, the evaluation of assignments, difficult situations in teaching, or the implementation of didactic innovations – together we will find answers.
Cluster of Excellence iFIT
The Cluster of Excellence 2180 "Image-guided and Functionally Instructed Tumor Therapies" (iFIT) is the only oncology cluster of excellence in Germany. Since 01.01.2019, internationally renowned scientists and talented young researchers have been working together in this consortium in a globally unique collaboration of three different research areas to develop new, individualized cancer therapies.

Cluster of Excellence – Machine Learning for Science
The aim of this cluster is to enable machine learning to take a central role in all aspects of scientific discovery and to understand how such a transformation will impact the scientific approach as a whole.
Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI)
The Cluster of Excellence CMFI brings together researchers from different disciplines such as infection biology, immunology, bioinformatics, pharmaceutical biology, antibiotics research, molecular and medical microbiology, biotechnology, environmental biology, systems biology, chemistry, and medical history and ethics. Their common goal is to elucidate the mechanisms of interaction between beneficial and harmful bacteria and the host in order to develop novel targeted therapeutic and anti-infective treatments.

Graduate Academy
The central institution of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen for the strategic personnel development of young academics from the doctorate to the assistant professorship.
Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience (GTCN)
The Graduate GTCN of the International Max Planck Research School operates international neuroscience degree programs which offer a comprehensive theoretical and practical training in a wide range of neuroscience topics under the guidance of leading neuroscientists.
Department of General Rhetoric
Our courses for science communication and media competence are part of the communication concept Sharing Knowledge and are generally offered in English. Organization is handled in cooperation with the Graduate Academy of Tübingen University.
Human Resources Development at the University
The personnel development offers are aimed at all employees of the University of Tübingen: Professors (incl. assistant professors and junior research group leaders), managers in the academic and academic support service, and employees in the academic support service (administration and technology).
International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS)
The imprs-is brings together the MPI for Intelligent Systems with the University of Stuttgart and the University of Tübingen to form a highly visible and unique graduate school of internationally recognized faculty, working at the leading edge of the field. This program is a key element of Baden-Württemberg’s Cyber Valley initiative to accelerate basic research and commercial development in artificial intelligence.

TIME Tübingen Institute for Medical Education
The TIME - Tübingen Institute for Medical Education, with its three areas of Teach, Train and Research, combines the competence center for university didactics in medicine, the skills area DocLab and all research on topics of medical didactics under one roof. It thus makes a significant contribution to continuing and further developing the outstanding role of the Medical Faculty Tübingen (MFT) in medical teaching in Germany.
University Sports Center
The University Sports Center (Hochschulsport, or HSP for short) of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen can look back upon a long history.Over the years, it has established itself as an integral element of the University of Tübingen. Our mission statement is encapsulated in our five Central Pillars of the HSP which determine and reflect all developments of this institution.
Writing-Center of the University
Scientific writing is a challenge for many. This is true for first-year students as well as for advanced master's students or doctoral candidates. The Diversity-Oriented Writing Center promotes your individual potential and works with you to find solutions to your specific questions when writing scientific texts.