Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioural Neurobiology


Address: Otfried-Müller-Straße 25
72076 Tübingen

Phone number: +49 7071 29-88923

Fax number: 07071 29-25016

E-mail address: anja.​otterbein@​uni-​tuebingen.​de

Sleep and memory research in animals

Research Aims

Our group studies memory consolidation in sleep. In rats and mice we are develop and use models of memory (especially episodic-like memory) and we study memory processing during sleep using behavioral, pharmacological, and electrophysiological methods. We focus on two structures key for organizing cognition and memories - the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex and we are particularly interested in hippocampal and prefrontal neuronal activity underlying these mnemonic processes. We are studying ensemble activity using in vivo electrophysiological ensemble recordings and in vivo calcium imaging.


Head of research group{element.icon}: Dr. Marion Inostroza

More about

Laufende Projekte

Current projects

  • Role of sleep in pattern separation of spatial memories (Eduard Kelemen, Niels Niethard, Carlos Oyanedel, Anuck Sawangjit)
  • Role of sleep in episodic memory consolidation (Carlos Oyanedel, Marion Inostroza, Eduard Kelemen)
  • Effect of interleukine-6-trans signaling on sleep. (Carlos Oyanedel, Eduard Kelemen, Marion Inostroza)
  • Effect of sleep on consolidation of discrimination learning. (Niels Niethard, Marion Inostroza)
  • Effect of sleep on system level consolidation (Anuck Sawangjit, Marion Inostroza)
  • Spine dynamics during sleep (Niels Niethard, Marion Inostroza, Takashi Sato)

Key publications

  • Inostroza M, Binder S, Born J. 2013. Sleep-dependency of episodic-like memory in rats Behav Brain Res 237:15-22
  • Kelemen E, Fenton AA. 2013. Key features of human episodic recollection in the cross-episode retrieval of rat hippocampus representation of space. PLoS Biology 11(7): e1001607
  • Borquez M, Born J, Navarro V, Betancourt R, Inostroza M. 2013. Sleep enhances inhibitory behavioral control in discrimination learning in rats. Exp Brain Res, in press
  • Binder S, Baier PC, Mölle M, Inostroza M, Born J, Marshall L. 2012. Sleep enhances memory consolidation in the hippocampus-dependent object-place recognition task in rats. Neurobiol Learn Mem 97(2):213-219
  • Kelemen E, Fenton AA. 2010. Dynamic grouping of hippocampal activity during cognitive control of two spatial frames. PLoS Biology 8(6): e1000403