The Senate of the University can award the title of "Extraordinary Professor" to a private lecturer on the recommendation of the Faculty of Medicine after Habilitation and a teaching career of usually two years (§ 39 (4) LHG of 23.12.2004).
The Faculty Council has established an Apl Committee. The three chairpersons of the habilitation committees, one of the deans of studies, one representative of the academic staff and one representative of the students have been elected to the committee as members. A deputy has been appointed for the student member.
The committee deals with the applications, makes recommendations to the applicants, if necessary advises the Faculty Council in the final decision-making process.
For application, please refer to the information sheet for the requirements and the documents to be submitted (in German). Please note that no information is given on ongoing procedures and procedural statuses.
If you need help with the German forms and documents, please do not hesitate to contact us!