Department for Women’s Health Tübingen
Molecular Gynecology Plasma | Medicine | Technology


Adresse: Calwerstraße 7/6
72076 Tübingen


Physical Plasma Hydrogels

The focus of the project lays on the implementation of a hydrogel, which is activated with a plasma jet (kINPen med, neoplas GmbH) using argon-gas. The gel would onwards allow an easier application in the clinical routine in comparison to liquids with a lower density because of its better adhesive features.

Cold atmospheric Plasma (CAP) is known for its dose dependent antiproliferative impact on cells. Out of that result different areas of application. Because of the cancer-selective effect, one possible use of Plasma activated Gels (PlaG) lays in the fertility-conserving therapy of endometrial cancer. Particularly younger patients in an early stage with a desire for children may profit from this therapy. Another possible use is the prevention of postoperative peritoneal adhesions, which occur with a high incidence after intraabdominal surgery. Anti-adhesive effects of PlaG on fibroblasts and mesothelial cells are detected in this part of the project. To define the relation between plasma-dosage and anti-proliferative effect, ESR spectroscopy is performed and the reactive species transduced through the plasma jet are characterized.

Henceforth different types of hydrogels are investigated and compared to each other based on their capacity of carrying the reactive species and handling regarding the clinical application.
