On-site orientation at the eye clinic
The main entrance of the University Eye Hospital can be reached from Elfriede-Aulhorn-Straße. From there you can directly reach the registration area of the Eye Clinic | ENT, which you will find to the left of the main entrance. The general outpatient clinic, most of the consultation hours and the cafeteria can be found on the same level [level 3].
In our overview we have summarized for you on which level our outpatient departments and consultations, wards and operating theatres are located, so that you can find your way around the building more easily.
Level 3
On level 3 there are
- Main Entrance [Information] [Emergencies from 16.00 hrs]
- Patient registration
- Inpatient Appointments [ZBM]
- Study Center STZ eyetrial
- Administration
- Cafeteria
Private consultations
- Prof. Dr. med. Dorothea Besch
- Dr. med. Carina Kelbsch, FEBO
- Dr. med. univ. Christoph Kernstock, FEBO
- Dr. Elke Altpeter-Ott
- Prof. Dr. med. Katarina Stingl
- Dr. med. Felix Tonagel
- Prof. Dr. med. Susanne Trauzettel-Klosinski
- Prof. Dr. med. Helmut Wilhelm
- Prof. Dr. med. Dr. hc. mult. Eberhart Zrenner
Level 4
On level 4 there are
- Outpatient Surgery Centre
- Operating area
- Laser Center
- Diagnostic Center
- Photo lab
- Ward 1 - Wolfgang Stock
Outpatient clinics and consultation hours
Level 5
On level 5 there are
- Ward 2 - Gustav von Schleich
- Central admission of prehospital patients
Private consultations
- Prof. Dr. med. Karl Ulrich Bartz-Schmidt
- Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Deuter
- Dr. Spyridon Dimopoulos
- Prof. Dr. Deshka Doycheva
- Prof. Dr. med. Jens Martin Rohrbach
- Prof. Dr. Daniela Süsskind
- Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Thaler, FEBO
- PD Dr. med. Bogomil Voykov, FEBO, MBA
Certificates and Associations
Focus: Top Nationales Krankenhaus 2024
Qualitätspartnerschaft mit der PKV
Erfolgsfaktor Familie
Die Altersvorsorge für den Öffentlichen Dienst