Ophthalmology in Tübingen can look back on a long tradition. With the first clinical teaching institution for internal medicine, surgery (including ophthalmology) and obstetrics at the University of Tübingen, founded in 1805 in the Burse, ophthalmology was practiced clinically for the first time as a sub-specialty of surgery.
With Albrecht Nagel, the establishment of ophthalmology as an independent subject began in Tübingen. In his efforts to emancipate ophthalmology, which until then had been subordinate to surgery, as an independent specialty, Nagel clashed with the medical faculty in all his partial successes (extraordinariate, support of his private eye clinic) and was finally able to win his own chair of ophthalmology. Nagel's private eye clinic was nationalized in the course of this and thus the first university eye clinic was founded in Tübingen.