
Ophthalmology in Tübingen can look back on a long tradition. With the first clinical teaching institution for internal medicine, surgery (including ophthalmology) and obstetrics at the University of Tübingen, founded in 1805 in the Burse, ophthalmology was practiced clinically for the first time as a sub-specialty of surgery.

With Albrecht Nagel, the establishment of ophthalmology as an independent subject began in Tübingen. In his efforts to emancipate ophthalmology, which until then had been subordinate to surgery, as an independent specialty, Nagel clashed with the medical faculty in all his partial successes (extraordinariate, support of his private eye clinic) and was finally able to win his own chair of ophthalmology. Nagel's private eye clinic was nationalized in the course of this and thus the first university eye clinic was founded in Tübingen.

Ophthalmology in Tübingen

  • 1864Opening of the private eye clinic of Albrecht Nagel
  • 1867First Extraordinariate for Ophthalmology/ State Subsidy for the Eye Clinic
  • 1874First professorship for ophthalmology in Tübingen
  • 1875Opening of the first university eye clinic in Tübingen (Wilhelmstrasse)
  • 1909New building of the eye clinic in the hospital valley (Schleichstraße)
  • 2007Foundation of the Department of Ophthalmology
  • 2016New construction of the eye clinic in the Berg Clinic (Elfriede-Aulhorn-Straße)

Department of Ophthalmology

Department of Ophthalmology

The Department of Ophthalmology Tübingen - with a structure that is unique in Germany - was established in 2007 and consists of the University Eye Hospital under the direction of the Medical Director Prof. Dr. med. K. U. Bartz-Schmidt and the Research Institute of Ophthalmology - directed by Prof. Dr. rer. nat. M. Ueffing. The Department is one of the thirteen medical centres of excellence in the state of Baden-Württemberg and among them the only one for ophthalmology.
The special structure of the Department of Ophthalmology provides the basis for a close integration of patient- and basic science-oriented research with the goal of translational application for the benefit of patients. A structurally comparable institution consisting of a clinic and a research institute can otherwise only be found on a European level (London and Paris). As a university science centre, the clinic and institute jointly research eye diseases and develop new therapeutic procedures. In doing so, they are closely involved in the education of medical students as well as medical technology students and ensure the further education and training of hospital and practicing physicians. It also supports the work of the graduate schools in Tübingen. The Department's fundamental aim is to develop new and further diagnostic and therapeutic concepts for ophthalmology at the highest international level. The central focus is on research into the causes and therapies of degenerative, inflammatory, vascular and neoplastic diseases of the eye and the visual pathway.

Current directors of the department

Current directors of the department

Portrait Bartz-Schmidt

Prof. Dr. med. Karl Ulrich Bartz-Schmidt

Medical Director of the University Eye Hospital

Portrait of Professor Ueffing

Prof. Dr. Marius Ueffing

Medical Director of the Research Institute of Ophthalmology

Ophthalmology in Tübingen and Medical Directors of the Eye Clinic

Medical Directors of the Department

  • 1989 - 2006Eberhart Zrenner
  • 2000 - todayKarl Ulrich Bartz-Schmidt
  • 2011 - todayMarius Ueffing

Medical directors of the eye clinic

  • 1874 - 1895Albrecht Nagel
  • 1909 - 1921Gustav von Schleich
  • 1921 - 1952Wolfgang Stock
  • 1952 - 1976Heinrich Harms
  • 1970 - 1989Elfriede Aulhorn
  • 1974 - 1978Achim Wessing
  • 1975 - 1980Gottfried Naumann
  • 1979 - 2000Ingrid Kreissig
  • 1980 - 1999Hans-Jürgen Thiel
  • 1989 - 2006Eberhart Zrenner
  • 2000 - todayKarl Ulrich Bartz-Schmidt

University Eye Hospital Tübingen - Chronicle

University Eye Hospital Tübingen - Chronicle

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the University Eye Hospital Tübingen in 2009, a chronicle was written. Starting from the first recorded evidence of ophthalmological activity in Tübingen to the emancipation of ophthalmology as an independent subject as well as the change of the eye hospital, all facets are covered. In addition, an insight into the anniversary year and the joint new building of the Eye Clinic and the Research Institute of Ophthalmology is given.

A. E. Hunder, J. M. Rohrbach, K. U. Bartz-Schmidt 100 Years University Eye Hospital Tübingen 1909 - 2009 "Change and Visions". With a foreword by Klaus Bergdolt. Schattauer, 2010.

Certificates and Associations