Address: Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 9
72076 Tübingen

Phone number: +49 7071 29-88804

Fax number: 07071 29-25316

E-mail address: pflegewissenschaft.​sekretariat@​med.​uni-​tuebingen.​de


Nursing: For your and my future!

The Department of Nursing Science, founded in 2018, serves as a bridge between nursing practice and nursing research/nursing science. Nursing research employs a variety of empirical methods commonly used in the health sciences, including quantitative and qualitative methods. The results and knowledge gained from nursing research projects actively contribute to knowledge generation in nursing and make the contribution of nurses in the health care process visible.

The Department of Nursing Science holds responsibility for the development and establishment of the academic nursing program at the Medical Faculty, Tübingen together with the University of Applied Sciences, Esslingen and the University Hospital Tübingen. The integration of an Institute of Health Sciences at a medical faculty enables students of different health professions to learn with, from and about each other in an interprofessional manner, a key factor for patient safety. Our bachelor’s program in nursing qualifies and prepares nurses for increasingly complex situations in nursing and healthcare and equips students with the necessary tools and evidence base for nursing practice. We do this together with our partners in long-term and acute care facilities in the region and prepare our students for the healthcare of the future. 

To establish the discipline of nursing science in the Department of Nursing Science we focus on topics around patient-centered nursing care, which we pursue in cooperation with regional, national and international partners. Achieving this goal requires an increasing number of young nursing researchers.  They need to be involved in the initiation of and the participation in research projects within a nurturing environment so that they can be promoted and supported along their academic pathway.


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Nursing Science

Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Mahler M.A. RbP


Phone number: +49 7071 29-89160

E-mail address: cornelia.mahler@med.uni-tuebingen.de


Deputy Director



frontend.sr-only_#{element.icon}: Andrea Kortenkamp

frontend.sr-only_#{element.icon}: +49 7071 29-88804

E-mail address: pflegewissenschaft.sekretariat@med.uni-tuebingen.de

frontend.sr-only_#{element.icon}: Office hours
Monday - Friday
from 9.00 am - 1.00 pm

The Nursing B. Sc. programme at the Medical Faculty Tübingen

The Nursing B. Sc. Program
at the Medical Faculty Tübingen

Beginning in the winter semester of 2018/2019, the Tübingen Faculty of Medicine launched the first Nursing B.Sc. degree program in Germany. This study program is carried out in cooperation with the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and the University Hospital of Tübingen and culminates in two qualifications. First is the academic degree ‘Bachelor of Science’; second is the state qualification as a nurse. The decision to study nursing is a decision for a scientifically oriented and internationally recognized career path in nursing. The Nursing B.Sc. program takes on a pioneering role in the design of nursing education at university level.

Nursing students talking to a trainer

study nursing

How is the course of study structured? What career opportunities do I have afterwards? The information page gives an insight into the study programme and answers the most important questions.

Learn more

Eva Maria Burk M.A.

Program coordination and student advisory service
Bachelor's degree program Nursing

E-mail address: pflege.studium@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Melanie Mauch M.Sc.

Teaching coordination
Bachelor program Nursing

E-mail address: pflege.studium@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Horst-Ulrich Fecht M.A.

Practice Coordination

E-mail address: praxis.pflegestudium@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Michaela Allard Pflegemanagement M.A.

Academic practice guidance

E-mail address: michaela.allard@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Hildegard Garmer Dipl. Pädagogin

Academic practice guidance

E-mail address: hildegard.garmer@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Matthias Schroth Dipl. Pflegepädagoge FH

Academic practice guidance

E-mail address: matthias.schroth@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Sebastian Semmelrogge B.A.

Academic practice guidance

E-mail address: Sebastian.semmelrogge@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Katrin Siedle B.A.

Academic practice guidance

E-mail address: katrin.siedle@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Desiree Yandemir B.A.

Academic practice guidance

E-mail address: desiree.yandemir@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Clinical and Practical Instructors in the Nursing B.Sc. Program

The Bachelor’s program in Nursing offers a broad range of modules specifically designed to prepare students for the diverse and demanding requirements of the nursing profession. In addition to theoretical content such as nursing science, pathology, physiology, and therapeutic concepts, the development of practical skills is a central component of the program. This is particularly promoted through skills training and practical exercises in the skills lab, seminar rooms as well as in the clinical field.

In this context, academically qualified practical instructors play a key role. They support students in transferring scientifically grounded principles into practice, acting in an evidence-based manner, and critically reflecting on their decisions. With their extensive professional experience and well-founded instructional expertise, they make a significant contribution to ensuring that the next generation of nursing professionals is optimally prepared for the challenges and opportunities of a dynamic and diverse field.

The Skills Lab of the Faculty of Medicine is a specially equipped area at the university that enables students to develop and deepen their practical skills in a targeted manner. Under the guidance of academically qualified practical instructors, the Skills Lab offers a safe and supportive learning environment in which theoretical knowledge is applied in realistic simulations of clinical and nursing situations.

By using modern teaching and learning methods, students can practice a wide range of nursing situations - from everyday tasks to emergency scenarios. With the help of highly developed simulation mannequins, they practise handling catheters, probes, drains, wound care and infusion therapies, for example. The practical training sequences offer the opportunity to deepen knowledge, recognize strengths and learn from mistakes - always accompanied by constructive feedback.

As a so-called "third place of learning", the skills lab complements the theoretical studies and practical assignments in the clinical field. It is particularly popular with students, as it offers an ideal setting in which to acquire practical skills for the diverse challenges of the nursing profession in a safe environment.

Under the motto "Shaping together - nursing practice and studies", an event for exchange and cooperation takes place twice a year to network the Nursing B.Sc. degree program with its cooperating institutions.

The cooperation partner days of the Nursing B.Sc. degree program take place twice a year under the motto "Shaping together - nursing practice and studies". These events serve as a platform for exchange between the staff of the degree program, the Department of Nursing Science and the practice instructors and their managers from the cooperating institutions. The aim is to strengthen cooperation between the university and practice and to jointly shape the further development of nursing training.

In addition to the University Hospital Tübingen (UKT), which is responsible for the practical part of the course, the cooperation partners also include other hospitals, long-term inpatient care facilities and outpatient care services. The events offer a valuable opportunity to strengthen the bridge between academic teaching and practical learning in the field of nursing.

The Cooperation Partner Days focus on current topics that affect both the guidance of students in practice and the further development of the nursing profession and nursing science. Presentations and workshops highlight challenges and opportunities in guidance and teaching, and possible solutions are developed together with the practical instructors.

We look forward to welcoming our cooperation partners in the future and to working together on the further development of the Nursing B.Sc. degree program.

The next cooperation partner day is planned for Monday, May 12, 2025.



The central paradigm of research in the Department of Nursing Science is patient-centered collaborative practice.

This links the complementary research initiatives of the department, which are integrated into the following focus areas and national and international collaborations:

Focus areas

Qualification theses - Bachelor/Master/Doctorate

We supervise qualification theses on our main research areas for students of nursing / nursing science (Bachelor / Master / Doctorate), medicine (Dr. med. / Dr. dent.) and health and social sciences (Bachelor / Master / Dr. sc. hum.).

The Department of Nursing Science offers students and participants of professional further education the supervision of qualification theses in the field of nursing science. A connection to ongoing projects is desirable and planned.

The offer is aimed in particular at students and graduates of courses of study and further training in the health professions and the health sciences.

The following forms of qualification theses are supervised:

  • Bachelor theses
  • Master's theses
  • Qualification theses in the context of further education in the health care professions
  • Doctorate to the degree of Dr. med./Dr. med. dent./Dr. sc. hum.

Possible topics:

  • Interprofessional communication and cooperation
  • Further development of instruments for interprofessional learning and interprofessional cooperation
  • Cooperation between different actors in the health care system-
    Cooperation between nursing services and GP practices-
    Cooperation between GPs and nursing homes
  • Nurses in GP practices-
    What are the roles of nurses in GP practices?
  • Drug therapy safety-
    What drug
    therapy safety competencies do nurses receive in their training or studies?
    - What are the current roles of nurses in the medication process?
  • Non-drug (complementary) nursing interventions, e.g. in oncological supportive therapy.

Further topics and ideas gladly on request.

Contact person:

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Mahler


Dr. sc. hum

  • Interprofessionelle klinische Entscheidungsprozesse von Pflegefachpersonen und Ärzt:innen auf der Intensivstation – Eigenschaften, Ursachen und Folgen
  •  Gebrauchstauglichkeitsbewertungen von technischen Pflegehilfsmitteln – Beitrag zur menschzentrierten Hilfsmittelentwicklung


Dr. med.

  • Komplementäre, nicht -invasive pflegerische Interventionen zur Behandlung der Xerosos cutis und des Pruritus im Kontext onkologischer Therapien: Evidenzbasierte Handlungsempfehlungen auf Grundlage eines Scoping Reviews.
  • Komplementäre naturheilkundliche pflegerische Ansätze zur Behandlung von therapiebedingten Hautveränderungen bei Patienten mit onkologischen Erkrankungen. Schwerpunkt Hautanhangsgebilde.

The Jounal Club

Network now in the Journal Club:

A collaboration of the Department of Nursing Science and the UKT!
  • The Journal Club is for all interested nursing professionals who are studying, have completed a degree, or are still pursuing a degree, regardless of your current field or role!
  • People from all fields of study (health and nursing science, nursing education, nursing management, etc.) are welcome!

We are pleased to introduce our Journal Club for nursing professionals, which has been active since 2021. Our Journal Club represents an exciting and interesting opportunity to gain new impetus for nursing practice. We analyze relevant literature from nursing research projects and build our research skills together.

The Journal Club provides a platform for nursing professionals from the different specialties of the UKT and beyond to discuss research results, always with a focus on the transfer between theory and practice. Especially the applicability and relevance in clinical practice we want to assess together and develop our own ideas. At the same time, we practice and improve our critical thinking and also argumentation skills through the common exchange. In addition to increasing our knowledge of research and evidence-based practice, we strive for a better understanding of research processes and promote a critical appraisal of research findings. We emphasize sharing and collaborative learning, which fosters enjoyment and interest in improving the quality of care. Through active participation, all participants expand their knowledge, acquire new skills, and contribute to the advancement of nursing science at UKT in perspective.

We strive to continuously develop the Journal Club. Based on a survey conducted in 2022 to capture the wishes and suggestions of our participants, we have already adapted content and planned the future design of our Journal Club accordingly.

  • 31. January 2024
  • 25. April 2024
  • 24. July 2024
  • 25. September 2024
  • 20. November 2024
  • 29. January 2025

from 15.00-16.30

Join now!

We cordially invite you to become part of this dynamic and growing circle and to contribute to the shaping of our Journal Club. Please feel free to visit us without obligation, we look forward to seeing you!

frontend.sr-only_#{element.icon}: Dominik Dupont &
Christoph Stephan

For questions or to register, please contact us at:

E-mail address: christop.stephan@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Certificates and Associations