

The habilitation serves as proof that you can independently represent a subject area in research and teaching. As a first step, please discuss the current status of your habilitation requirements with your subject representative. These are set out in the habilitation regulations of our faculty - these regulations and other documents and information can be found at the bottom of this homepage.

Applications are submitted via the Faculty's online portal. You can gain access by sending an e-mail to 

habilitationen@med.uni-tuebingen.de , stating your planned habilitation subject and the subject representative.

If you have any questions, please check the FAQs, which we are constantly updating and adding to. Please note that we cannot provide information on ongoing habilitation procedures.


A lecture on the habilitation process will take place as part of the university's PostDoc Days

Workshop with Dr. Inka Montero
Target group:
Early postdoc phase, advanced postdoc phase, junior professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 18.09.2024, 14:45 - 15:45 via Zoom

The event gives an introduction to the procedure of "Habilitation" at the Medical Faculty. It specifically focusses on prerequisites in research and teaching, the application procedure and the new rules published in the habilitation regulations from February 2023. Questions by the audience will be addressed.

Registration link: https://eveeno.com/251118161

Are you interested? Please write to habilitationen@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Contact us

Dr. Inka Montero, Head of Academic Careers
Sandra Ferro / Anna Rönnfeld, habilitations and adjunct professorship

For consultations, please send two proposed appointments with a brief description of your concerns to

Dr. Inka Montero

We will be happy to assist you with your questions about habilitation:


Please send us your request and your contact details.

Sandra Ferro /
Anna Rönnfeld

Habilitations and adjunct professorships

Address: Geissweg 5 / Office 5 (ground floor)
72076 Tübingen

E-mail address: habilitationen@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Dr. Inka Montero

Head of Academic Careers

Phone number: +49 7071 29-77929

E-mail address: inka.montero@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Information and Documents

StandDownload the
Habilitation regulations valid from 01.02.2023
Information sheet habilitation procedureApril 2024
Application for the initiation of a habilitation procedure2023
Application for re-habilitation for applicants who have habilitated at a German faculty/university
Rehabilitation application for applicants who have habilitated at a foreign faculty/university
List of publications formMarch 2021xls
Form for coursesMarch 2021xls
Teaching evaluation

Staff formMarch 2021docx
Medical Didactics Certificate (Competence Center for Medical Didactics Baden Württemberg)

Application form for recognition of teaching project
Application for recognition of third-party funding
Declaration of Teaching Obligation