Address: Calwerstraße 14
72076 Tübingen

Person profile: 07071 29-82311

Fax number: 07071 29-4141

Further education

Curriculum Tobacco Dependence and CessationThe

20-hour curriculum "Curriculum Tobacco Dependence and Cessation", certified by the Wissenschaftlicher Aktionskreis Tabakentwöhnung (WAT) e.V. (Scientific Action Group Tobacco Cessation), teaches theoretical principles, knowledge and skills in the motivation and treatment of smokers. Participants will be introduced in detail to the techniques of motivational interviewing and to the behavioural therapy treatment of smokers with the programme "Non-Smoker in 6 Weeks", which is recognized in accordance with § 20 SGB V (Social Code Book V).

Direction: Prof.Dr. A. Batra / Dipl. Psych. P. Lindinger

Courses 2025:

03.04. - 04.04.2025 (as part of the Tübingen Addiction Therapy Days)

21.11. - 22.11.2025 (Tübingen, University Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy) 

 Please register by e-mail to: 


Registration and contact

Secretariat Sylwia Mleczko

frontend.sr-only_#{element.icon}: +49 7071 29-82313

frontend.sr-only_#{element.icon}: 07071 29-5384

E-mail address: sucht@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Participants in the "Curriculum Tobacco Dependence and Withdrawal" should have general experience in addiction therapy. This offer is open to the following professional groups with a state-recognised training in the field of psychosocial health: Physicians, Psychologists, Educators Social Pedagogues / Social Workers, Social Scientists, Health Scientists, and others - Please contact us if you are unsure if you meet appropriate prerequisites for this continuing education.

Curriculum Internet and Computer Game Addiction

The aim of the curriculum is to convey theoretical basics based on the current scientific findings regarding the disorder. In addition, the differential diagnostic classification, the application of techniques from motivational interviewing as well as basic behavioural therapy strategies in the context of the treatment of those affected are to be worked out using practice-oriented case examples. The practical orientation of the curriculum is intended to provide participants with concrete strategies for the diagnosis, motivation and treatment of people with an Internet/computer game addiction for their work in outpatient clinics, counselling centres and in the inpatient sector. Therefore, the curriculum is aimed at medical, psychological - psychotherapeutic and socio-pedagogical colleagues in the same way.

Costs: 220.- Euro

Certificates and Associations