Address: Calwerstraße 14
72076 Tübingen

Person profile: 07071 29-82311

Fax number: 07071 29-4141

Borderline consultation

Who is our offer aimed at?

The borderline consultation is aimed at people who would like to participate in our specialized treatment program "Dialectical-Behavioral Therapy" according to M. Linehan, for which we are certified by the umbrella organization DBT. This is a 12-week inpatient psychotherapeutic treatment for patients who meet the criteria for borderline personality disorder.


You can register for the borderline consultation through the polyclinic/university outpatient clinic.

Please bring an inpatient referral slip from your family doctor or neurologist with you to the outpatient appointment!

Office, registration and appointments:

+49 7071 29-82302


frontend.sr-only_#{element.contextual_1.children.icon}: Office hours by arrangement

frontend.sr-only_#{element.contextual_1.children.icon}: Calwerstrasse 14

When does it make sense to complete a special program?

  • When you frequently experience a strong inner tension and are flooded with feelings.
  • When the tension and feelings become so painful that you act impulsively and deliberately take risks (drug and alcohol use, binge eating, vomiting, reckless driving, shopping sprees, etc.).
  • If, during periods of high tension, you feel other people are talking about them or trying to hurt you, if you "drift off," experience the world "as if in a dream," or feel you are "beside yourself."
  • If you have no sense of who you are and you have difficulty making decisions.
  • If you sometimes suffer from feelings of emptiness and sometimes from severe emotional swings.
  • If you experience violent shifts between "closeness and distance" in interpersonal relationships.
  • If you are doing everything you can to avoid being abandoned.
  • When crises can trigger suicidality (suicidal intentions), suicide threats and self-harm.
  • When you have to scream or destroy objects in the context of uncontrollable rage, for example.

What can I expect in the borderline consultation?

  • Before the consultation you will be asked to fill in various questionnaires.
  • The interview lasts about 75 minutes. First, it is important that you briefly describe your current problem. Afterwards, a diagnostic interview will be conducted with you.
  • If there is an indication for treatment, we will discuss with you in the feedback interview (usually a second appointment is made for this) which treatment options we offer and which prerequisites are necessary for this.
  • The outpatient diagnostic interview is the first step if you would like to participate in the Dialectical-Behavioural Therapy Programme (DBT) on Ward 22. This is a full inpatient treatment programme.
  • You may also be offered to participate in a research project. Our working group "Borderline Personality Disorder" conducts various studies, e.g. to better understand the mechanisms of action of psychotherapy or to develop and evaluate questionnaires for a better diagnosis of borderline symptomatology.

Dr. Stefanie Wekenmann

Psychological management DBT program

Psychological psychotherapist
DBT therapist/trainer, special psychotrauma therapy (DeGPT)

Phone number: +49 7071 29-82334

E-mail address: stefanie.wekenmann@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Certificates and Associations