Address: Calwerstraße 14
72076 Tübingen

Person profile: 07071 29-82311

Fax number: 07071 29-4141

Psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic

In cooperation with the Tübingen Academy for Behavioural Therapy

The Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic, is run in accordance with the Psychotherapists Act for the purposes of training, teaching and research. Treatments are offered at the cutting edge of behavioural therapy.

The treatment spectrum is aimed at adults with statutory health insurance who suffer from psychological problems or disorders. The outpatient clinic treats all mental disorders for which there are scientifically developed therapeutic approaches of modern behavioural therapy.


Registration for a non-binding preliminary discussion is possible by telephone.

frontend.sr-only_#{element.contextual_1.children.icon}: +49 7071 29-84590 The answering machine is checked regularly.

E-mail address: psychotherapie@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Preliminary talks

A preliminary discussion serves to inform both parties. During the interview it is clarified whether outpatient psychotherapy is indicated. If the interested person decides in favour of psychotherapy, a consultation with a doctor is necessary after three to four probationary preliminary interviews, but before the actual treatment begins, in order to determine possible physical illnesses.

Quality assurance

All our therapists are in postgraduate training to become psychological psychotherapists. During the training, psychotherapeutic methods are taught and practiced according to the latest standards. In addition, each therapy is supervised by a state-approved supervisor.


As a rule, the costs are covered by the statutory health insurance companies if there is an appropriate indication.



Prof. Dr. Stefan Klingberg, Dipl.-Psych.


Dr. Zuzanna Tkaczynska, M.Sc. Psychologie


Certificates and Associations