Address: Calwerstraße 14
72076 Tübingen

Person profile: 07071 29-82311

Fax number: 07071 29-4141

Special outpatient clinic for obsessive-compulsive disorders

The special consultation serves to clarify whether an obsessive-compulsive disorder is present and to discuss suitable psychotherapeutic and medicinal treatment options. In particular, we want to clarify whether inpatient treatment might be appropriate for you. During the interview, which lasts about 50 minutes, we will ask you to describe your specific problems. All available previous findings should be brought to the appointment.


Office, registration and appointments:

+49 7071 29-80934

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
9:00 – 11:30

E-mail address: psychiatrische-hochschulambulanz@med.uni-tuebingen.de

frontend.sr-only_#{element.contextual_1.children.icon}: Wednesday 9.00 a.m.

frontend.sr-only_#{element.contextual_1.children.icon}: Calwerstrasse 14

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorders are characterized by involuntary, recurring intrusive thoughts and/or ritualized, repetitive behaviors (e.g., checking, washing hands, ordering). The content of the thoughts and actions is predominantly seen by the affected person as meaningless or as not leading to a goal. About 3% of the population suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder in their lifetime. This makes this disorder one of the most common mental illnesses.

Psychoeducational therapy group

Psychoeducational therapy group

The psychoeducational therapy group is also open to patients who are not currently being treated as inpatients at our clinic, i.e. you can also take advantage of this offer as an outpatient. In a group of approx. 8 to 12 patients, you will receive detailed and comprehensive information about the illness at 16 weekly appointments.

Before you attend the group, we ask you to make an appointment at our special consultation for obsessive-compulsive disorders. In addition to a diagnostic classification of your symptoms, it can be clarified here whether our psychoeducational therapy group is suitable for you and whether other, further treatment strategies could be useful for you.

The therapy offer includes among other things
  • Information on the development and maintenance of compulsions,
  • information on treatment options for compulsions.
  • the possibility to exchange your personal experiences with the disease.
  • In addition, you will be shown individual strategies for overcoming your compulsions.

Tuesday 4.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
Altbau, Gruppenraum 1, Ebene 01

Start of next group dates:



The psychoeducational therapy group is semi-open: i.e. you can be admitted to the group up to the 3rd session, provided that the group size still permits this. Otherwise we will put you on the waiting list and you will start the group at a later date.

Outpatient individual psychotherapy at the private outpatient clinic

Outpatient individual psychotherapy at the private outpatient clinic

Persons with private health insurance have the opportunity to undergo outpatient individual psychotherapy (behavioural therapy) at our private outpatient clinic. Since our clinic does not have a health insurance fund, we are not able to bill the statutory health insurance funds for outpatient individual psychotherapy and therefore unfortunately cannot offer it.

Please first make an appointment in our special consultation hour for obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Wittorf


Phone number: +49 7071 29-80941

E-mail address: Andreas.Wittorf@med.uni-tuebingen.de

Certificates and Associations