Address: Calwerstraße 14
72076 Tübingen

Person profile: 07071 29-82311

Fax number: 07071 29-4141

Computer game and internet addiction

Offers of the outpatient clinic

  • Counselling for those affected and their relatives, partners and friends
  • Diagnostic clarification of the extent of critical, excessive use or dependence
  • Outpatient group therapy for "computer game / Internet addiction" in adults (from the age of 18)
  • Problem-solving training, development of alternative behaviour patterns, exercises in the perception and communication of positive and negative feelings, training in dealing with negatively experienced feelings such as anger, rage and sadness.

For a preliminary appointment, please contact the outpatient secretariat of the Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic.


Secretariat and registration

+49 7071 29-82313


Information about the disorder as well as the discussion of therapy options is provided after a detailed diagnosis in the course of two initial appointments.


Treatment takes place in a group after two individual diagnostic sessions. The group size varies between 4 - 8 participants. All counselling and therapy services are provided by doctors and psychological psychotherapists trained in addiction therapy.

Information on addiction

The boundary between computer game and Internet addiction and addiction or dependence is fluid and therefore difficult to recognize for those affected and their relatives. The following characteristics can indicate problematic use of computer games / the Internet:

  • The computer game / the Internet is used over a longer period of time (at least 12 months) in an excessive and deviating form (an excessive amount of time is spent on the computer game or the Internet).
  • Loss of control over the onset, duration and intensity of gaming/media use. Attempts to stop gambling/media use repeatedly fail.
  • Irresistible urge / desire to go online / play computer games
  • Withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, depressive mood, lack of concentration and restlessness when gaming or media use is reduced or given up.
  • Neglect of duties and tasks of a professional/social nature (e.g. neglect of friendships or partnership).
  • Strong mental preoccupation with the computer game or Internet use even during other activities
  • Mood and emotion regulation through computer game and media use

In addition to so-called substance-related addictions (e.g. to alcohol or cigarettes), excessive gaming or excessive use of media can also lead to dependence. The psychological effect responsible for the development of a dependency disease is caused by the change in the body's own biochemical processes through repeated and excessive use of modern media (computer games, Internet). Often those affected do not notice this. At the same time, playing or surfing the Internet and spending time in so-called "chat rooms" is perceived as rewarding or stress-relieving. Often those affected also experience an improvement in mood. Some sufferers also report that they can "make life more bearable" by using the media.

At the same time, however, they lose or unlearn important behaviours such as appropriate ways of coping with stress, dealing with negative feelings and difficult life situations. Those affected now find themselves in a vicious circle from which they often cannot escape independently without professional help.

Prof. Dr. Anil Batra


E-mail address: Anil.Batra@med.uni-tuebingen.de

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