Address: Calwerstraße 14
72076 Tübingen

Person profile: 07071 29-82311

Fax number: 07071 29-4141

Station 23

Ward 23 has 16 beds for the qualified treatment of patients with mental illness and alcohol problems.
The duration of treatment is 6 weeks as an inpatient followed by 1 year of outpatient therapy (1 hour of group therapy per week).

The condition for admission to the ward is the patient's own willingness to undergo treatment and the goal of permanent abstinence. Admission takes place at fixed six-week appointments. The decision on admission is made after preliminary talks in which it is clarified whether a sufficiently high level of motivation is present and whether regular participation in the subsequent outpatient therapy can be guaranteed.

The age of admission is open from 18 years upwards, whereby the patients must not be physically impaired to such an extent that a high degree of basic nursing care is necessary.


Registration for Preliminary and informational interview

+49 7071 29-82333

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
10.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon

Patient telephone

+49 7071 252491

Visiting hours
Please enquire by telephone!

frontend.sr-only_#{element.contextual_1.children.icon}: Daily from 6pm, unless therapy.

General information

  • Detoxification without complications
  • Conscious recognition of addiction as a disease, and understanding of the factors that lead to alcohol dependence
  • Dealing with addiction-related problems and conflicts
  • Promotion of the motivation to change
  • Promotion of personal responsibility for abstinence.
  • Permanent abstinence

The therapy offer includes a behavioral therapy focus with:

  • Comprehensive medical and psychiatric / psychotherapeutic diagnostics
  • Psychotherapeutic individual sessions
  • Intensive group therapy sessions
  • Role plays
  • Social competence exercises
  • Information group
  • Work with relatives
  • Relaxation training
  • Physiotherapy and occupational therapy
  • Outdoor activities and evening events
  • Possibility of smoking cessation
  • Clarification of the need for qualified outpatient further treatment

Certificates and Associations