Address: Calwerstraße 14
72076 Tübingen

Person profile: 07071 29-82311

Fax number: 07071 29-4141

Day clinic for the elderly

Partial inpatient, psychiatric facility for people aged 50 and over

A mental illness combined with age-related complaints and a decline in strength can severely impair the quality of life and independent care of those affected. Patients are in the clinic on weekdays and go home in the afternoon. In this way, intensive diagnosis and treatment is possible while maintaining the patient's home environment. Many older patients find it easier to take the step of going to the clinic if they can maintain their familiar surroundings and social contacts.

There are 20 therapy places available for day-care treatment:

  • Depression
  • Psychotic disorders
  • Memory disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Conflict situations
  • Addiction problems with alcohol and medication
  • Chronic pain with accompanying depression

In the case of acute danger to others or to oneself, day-clinic treatment is not possible.


Prior to admission, problems, expectations and goals are addressed in a preliminary discussion and information is provided about treatment in the day clinic. Treating physicians, institutions, patients or relatives can make this appointment directly with us. A prerequisite for admission is that the patient is largely independent overnight and at weekends, or that there is organised family, social services or neighbourhood help for these times.

Registration for preliminary interviews:

+49 7071 29-87128

Monday till Friday
09.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.

frontend.sr-only_#{element.contextual_1.children.icon}: Calwerstraße 14
West wing of the old building
Level 03 Patients can reach the day clinic with the city bus line 5 or a driving service. The journey should not exceed 1 hour.

Patients are in the clinic on weekdays:

frontend.sr-only_#{element.contextual_1.children.icon}: Monday till Friday
09.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.

Therapy offers

Therapy offers

In the treatment, counselling, care and nursing of gerontological psychiatric patients, a holistic view is required which, in addition to psychological, somatic and social aspects, also encompasses the biological and biographical destiny of the person. We provide support in coming to terms with changes and focus on the perception, promotion and joint creation of what is possible. This also includes learning to deal with impairments, accepting them and, if necessary, being able to accept support.

Therapy elements
  • Medical and psychological diagnostics
  • Psychotherapeutic individual consultations and group therapy
  • Nursing care
  • Medication treatment
  • Exercise therapy and physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Advice for relatives
  • Training for memory and orientation, relaxation, self-confidence, everyday practical skills such as household training, bus driving, leisure activities, etc.
  • Social counselling and contacts to outpatient services
  • Home visit and housing advice
  • Support in planning the living situation for the time after discharge

Aims of the day-care treatment

The familiar surroundings in connection with the social environment are maintained and home care is guaranteed. The relatives are informed and can cope with the individual requirements.

The patient
  • is informed about his illness and its treatment
  • experiences an improvement or the abatement of acute complaints
  • deals with impairments and can accept support if necessary
  • knows suitable activities and can participate in social life
  • experiences an improvement in the quality of everyday life
  • is able to live independently and safely to a large extent

Certificates and Associations