Address: Calwerstraße 14
72076 Tübingen

Person profile: 07071 29-82311

Fax number: 07071 29-4141

Brief Interventions


With the help of this path you can find out whether you can make use of the counselling services of the prevention outpatient clinic.

Counselling offered by the prevention outpatient clinic

Contact can be made by telephone with the consultant doctor of the Prevention Outpatient Clinic for Addiction.

Consultation service

Hints on how to conduct a conversation

Patients with addictive disorders tend to trivialise or deny questions about their substance use. When talking about their addictive behaviour, they often react with resistance. For the medical and nursing staff, conversations with affected patients about addictive substance use are therefore rarely purposeful and are often experienced as frustrating.

In order to successfully counter the characteristics of the conversation described above, the method of "motivational interviewing" (Miller, Rollnick, 2005) has proven to be particularly helpful in the treatment of addicts. Motivational interviewing is based on the following basic principles:

  • Empathy: non-judgmental, empathetic understanding, active listening.
  • Avoiding evidence - avoiding confrontation
  • Supporting the patient's self-disclosure - asking open questions
  • Promote self-efficacy - convey confidence and trust in the patient's ability to solve their own problems. Avoid acting as an "expert"
  • Point out contradiction: Make patients aware of contradictions between personal life goals and consequences of the cosmos
  • Accepting contradictions: Accepting existing ambivalences, acknowledging the patient's own responsibility
  • Giving feedback - expressing praise and confirmation for successes achieved.

Further links

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