Address: Calwerstraße 14
72076 Tübingen

Person profile: 07071 29-82311

Fax number: 07071 29-4141

Climbing group

Climbing is about movement, strength, tension, relaxation, coordination, concentration, body awareness, social and emotional bonding and the experience in the group. This creates an exceptional situation in which the patients can also experience limits. The development of a special relationship with the patient and the fun of climbing moves us to accompany the patients while climbing.




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General information

When climbing for the first time, patients receive a questionnaire before and after the activity, which is scientifically evaluated by a psychologist.

Where do we climb?
We climb in the Paul Horn Arena and in the B12 Boulderzentrum Tübingen.

How do the participants get to the climbing wall?
Patients are accompanied by bus, taxi, bicycle or even on foot.

A team of 12 members of the nursing staff has been formed for the project, coordinated by the contact persons.

  • Mobility and body awareness
  • Trust and confidence
  • Understanding and implementing rules
  • Sense of achievement
  • Living through limits
  • Allow depth of relationship
  • Experiential feedback
  • Naming feelings
  • More self-confidence
  • Shared experience
  • Interested patients sign up on the participation list, whereby patients often have fear and reservations at the beginning.
  • The nursing staff addresses "suitable" patients and consults with the nursing team, informs and motivates them to climb.
  • In our experience, patients in an acute phase of illness are also "suitable". In order to exclude health risks, the activity is discussed with the attending physician.

"The Wall Before Us"

  • Inspection of the location.
  • Gently get in the mood for the climbing action.
  • Stretching exercises to warm up.
  • Putting on climbing harnesses and adjusting them properly.

"We go into the wall"

  • Entry into the wall.
  • Straps and belay are checked before each entry.
  • Individual and empathetic guidance.
  • Becoming confident and increasingly finding confidence. Feel safe.
  • Let yourself fall and feel caught.
  • Experiences of success give courage, the degree of difficulty can be increased.
  • Being proud to have overcome fears and to have reached the goals.
  • Forgetting the worries of illness through concentration while climbing.
  • Shared experiences and fun complete the picture.

"Relaxing after climbing"

  • Sitting comfortably in the round after climbing.
  • Receive feedback in conversation and express your own impressions.

Would you like to become a sponsor?

You will support the preservation of therapeutic diversity.

Please transfer money to:
Förderverein für Kletter- und Erlebnistherapie KET e.V. Kreissparkasse Tübingen
IBAN: DE64 6415 0020 0002 9955 15

Intended purpose:
Therapeutic climbing

Certificates and Associations