Please find in the following a list of the current third party funding The M3 Research Center receives.
Third party funding
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen
Source: Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst BW
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
Source: Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst BW
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
Source: VDI/VDE/IT - Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
Carl Zeiss Grant
Source: Carl Zeiss Foundation
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Type: Donor-Advised Fund
Source: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
CMFI Comlig (Exzellenzcluster 2124)
Source: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
CMFI Plattform (Exzellenzcluster 2124)
Source: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
DZIF-IT Plattform TI BBD
Source: Helmholtz Zentrum für Infektionsforschung
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
Source: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
iFIT (Cluster of Excellence 2180)
Source: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
IRTG Women’s health (B. Derntl)
Source: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
Source: VDI/VDE/IT - Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
SETBie in BW
Source: Ministerium für Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen -
TRR 261/1
Source: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Data science methods for biomedical research - AG Nahnsen
Dynamic interactions in metabolically relevant tissues - AG Sbierski-Kind
Clinician Scientist Programme
Source: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin e.V. (DGIM)
Dynamic interactions in metabolically relevant tissues - AG Sbierski-Kind -
DDG Sachmittelantrag 2022
Type: Sachmittelantrag
Source: Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft e.V.
Dynamic interactions in metabolically relevant tissues - AG Sbierski-Kind -
Nachwuchsgruppenleiterstelle (Junior group leader position)
Source: Medical faculty – University of Tübingen
Dynamic interactions in metabolically relevant tissues - AG Sbierski-Kind
Drug-Microbiome-Host-Interactions - AG Maier
bioIMPACT: “Personalized effects of antibiotics on the human gut microbiome via high-throughput cultivation” (MA 8164/3-1)Type: Research grant
Type: Research grant
Source: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Drug-Microbiome-Host-Interactions - AG Maier -
German Centers for Health Research Innovation Fonds: DZG 01.203_00
Source: German Centers for Health Research
Drug-Microbiome-Host-Interactions - AG Maier -
gutMAP: Gut microbiome-mediated activities of psychotropic drugs
Type: Starting grant
Source: European Research Council (ERC)
Drug-Microbiome-Host-Interactions - AG Maier -
Modulating the gut microbiome with drugs (ID: GZ: MA 8164/11)
Source: Emmy Noether Programme of German Research Foundation (DFG)
Drug-Microbiome-Host-Interactions - AG Maier -
Real-time imaging of gut microbiome modulation
Type: Collaborative research grant
Source: CMFI Cluster of Excellence Tübingen
Drug-Microbiome-Host-Interactions - AG Maier -
Screening stunting-associated microbes for their growth in the presence of polyphenols and different fibers/carbohydrates (ID: INV-004352)
Source: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Drug-Microbiome-Host-Interactions - AG Maier -
Systematic Triangulation of Pathobiont-Host-Interactions (SOAR)
Type: ERC Starting Grant
Source: European Research Council
Drug-Microbiome-Host-Interactions - AG Maier -
Understanding metabolism-dependent differences in bacterial drug susceptibility
Type: Collaborative research grant
Source: Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections”
Drug-Microbiome-Host-Interactions - AG Maier
Mechanisms that contribute to metabolic diseases - AG Jumpertz-von Schwartzenberg
Type: Projektförderung
Source: Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections”
Mechanisms that contribute to metabolic diseases - AG Jumpertz-von Schwartzenberg -
Innovation Fund „Microbiome“ 2023
Type: Projektförderung
Source: German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD)
Mechanisms that contribute to metabolic diseases - AG Jumpertz-von Schwartzenberg -
Projektförderung Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft
Type: Projektförderung
Source: Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft
Mechanisms that contribute to metabolic diseases - AG Jumpertz-von Schwartzenberg -
Source: Helmholtz Young Investigator Group
Mechanisms that contribute to metabolic diseases - AG Jumpertz-von Schwartzenberg
Metabolomics & Systems Medicine - AG Trautwein
Metabolic phenotyping by timsTOF technology
Type: Research Collaboration
Source: BRUKER Switzerland AG, Industriestr. 26, CH-8117 Faellanden
Metabolomics & Systems Medicine - AG Trautwein
Microbiome-immune interactions - AG Mager
Identification of Bifidobacterium pseudolongum derived co-stimulatory molecule driving anti-tumor immunity
Type: Explorative grant
Source: CMFI Cluster of Excellence Tübingen
Microbiome-immune interactions - AG Mager -
Identification of new checkpoint blockade inhibitors through an unbiased, novel screening platform
Type: iFIT flex funding
Source: iFIT Cluster of Excellence Tübingen
Microbiome-immune interactions - AG Mager -
The microbiome as a crucial modulator for cancer development and therapy efficacy
Source: Max Eder Program by German Cancer Aid
Microbiome-immune interactions - AG Mager
Synthetic biology and antibiotic research - AG Link
A defined mixed culture that mimics the nasal microbiome and resembles the chemical ecology of host microbe interactions. - CMFI Collaborative Grant
Source: Cluster of Excellence - Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections (CMFI)
Synthetic biology and antibiotic research - AG Link -
Metabolic engineering of autotrophic E. coli strains for biotechnological production of amino acids from CO2 – DFG Middle East Collaboration
Source: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Synthetic biology and antibiotic research - AG Link
Tumor immune microenvironment - AG Ruf
Image-Guided and Functionally Instructed Tumor Therapies – iFIT (Cluster of Excellence 2180)
Source: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Tumor immune microenvironment - AG Ruf