Dynamic interactions in metabolically relevant tissues

We are studying the dynamic interactions between tissue resident immune cells, stromal cells, and microbes in metabolically relevant tissues that interface with the environment. We use an interdisciplinary approach combining the fields of immunology, diabetology, and microbiology to increase the understanding of tissue-immune crosstalk and factors that dictate metabolic health and disease, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). By integrating the abundant clinical resources of the University Hospital Tübingen, we aim to understand tissue immune cells in their local environment (niche), defined by specialized stromal cell subsets. For this, we pair advanced single-cell based techniques such as flow cytometric analysis and sorting with molecular techniques, including single-cell RNA sequencing and 3D volumetric imaging, allowing us to visualize and quantify complex immune and stromal cell topography in the context of metabolic diseases. 

Our research group is at the University Hospital Tübingen in the Department of Diabetology, Endocrinology, and Nephrology. We are affiliated with the M3 institute, the Institute of Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases (IDM), and the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD).

Dr. med. Julia Sbierski-Kind

Dr. med. Julia Sbierski-Kind

Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Endokrinologie und Diabetologie

Personenprofil: Mehr zur Person

Julia Sbierski-Kind received her state examination in medical studies from the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg in 2013, and subsequently obtained her medical thesis from the University of Freiburg, working in the lab of Tobias Huber. During her doctoral studies, she focused on extrarenal expression of the slit diaphragm proteins NEPH1 and NEPHRIN. She started her residency in internal medicine and endocrinology at the Charité in Berlin and worked as clinician scientist under the mentorship of Joachim Spranger and Hans-Dieter Volk between 2014 and 2019. Here she focused on adaptive immune cells in adipose tissues and their adaptation to metabolic impairment (obesity and caloric restriction). For her postdoctoral studies, she joined the lab of Ari Molofsky at the University of California San Francisco in 2019. Here she examined the functional role of group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) and their regulation of type 3 immune cells during obesity-induced non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and liver fibrosis. She continued her fellowship in endocrinology and diabetes at the University Hospital of Munich (LMU) in 2021, after which she transferred to the University Hospital Tübingen in 2023 to establish her own research group. Her group is interested in how tissue resident lymphocytes and their crosstalk with stromal cells regulate the development of obesity-associated liver injury. She also engages in teaching at multiple levels, including medical students, and graduate students.

  • Department of Internal Medicine IV, Division of Diabetology, Endocrinology and Nephrology, University Hospital, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany

Open positions

resident immune cells
relevant tissues

Selected publications

  • Group 2 innate lymphoid cells constrain type 3/17 lymphocytes in shared stromal niches to restrict liver fibrosis. Julia Sbierski-Kind, Kelly M Cautivo, Johanna C Wagner, Madelene W Dahlgren, Julia Nilsson, Maria Krasilnikov, Nicholas M. Mroz, Carlos O. Lizama, Anna Lu Gan, Peri R Matatia, Marcela T Taruselli, Anthony A Chang, Sofia Caryotakis, Claire E O’Leary, Maya Kotas, Aras N Mattis, Tien Peng, Richard M Locksley, Ari B Molofsky. bioRxiv 2023.04.26.537913; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.26.537913
  • Persistent immune abnormalities discriminate post-COVID syndrome from convalescence. Julia Sbierski-Kind, Stephan Schlickeiser, Svenja Feldmann, Veronica Ober, Eva Grüner, Claire Pleimelding, Leonard Gilberg, Isabel Brand, Nikolas Weigl, Mohamed I. M. Ahmed, Gerardo Ibarra, Michael Ruzicka, Christopher Benesch, Anna Pernpruner, Elisabeth Valdinoci, Michael Hoelscher, Kristina Adorjan, Hans Christian Stubbe, Michael Pritsch, Ulrich Seybold, Johannes Bogner, Julia Roider. medRxiv 2023.05.02.23289345; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.05.02.23289345
  • Sbierski-Kind J, Grenkowitz S, Schlickeiser S, Koehn A, Friedrich M, Kunkel D, Glauben R, Brachs S, Mai K, Gordon J, Turnbaugh P, Volk HD, Spranger J, Jumpertz von Schwartzenberg J. Effects of caloric restriction on the gut microbiome are linked with immune senescence. Microbiome 2022 Apr
  • O'Leary CE, Sbierski-Kind J, Kotas ME, Wagner JC, Liang HE, Schroeder AW, de Tenorio JC, von Moltke J, Ricardo-Gonzalez RR, Eckalbar WL, Molofsky AB, Schneider C, Locksley RM. Bile acid-sensitive tuft cells regulate biliary neutrophil influx. Sci Immunol. 2022 Mar 4.
  • Cautivo KM, Matatia PR, Lizama CO, Mroz NM, Dahlgren MW, Yu X, Sbierski-Kind J, Taruselli MT, Brooks JF, Wade-Vallance A, Caryotakis SE, Chang AA, Liang HE, Zikherman J, Locksley RM, Molofsky AB. Interferon gamma constrains type 2 lymphocyte niche boundaries during mixed inflammation. Immunity. 2022 Feb 8.
  • Sbierski-Kind J, Mroz N, Molofsky AB. Perivascular stromal cells: Directors of tissue immune niches. Immunol Rev. 2021 Jul.
  • Sbierski-Kind J, Goldeck D, Buchmann N, Spranger J, Volk HD, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Pawelec G, Demuth I, Spira D. T cell phenotypes associated with insulin resistance: results from the Berlin Aging Study II. Immun Ageing. 2020 Dec 21.
  • Sbierski-Kind J, Mai K, Kath J, Jurisch A, Streitz M, Kuchenbecker L, Babel N, Nienen M, Jürchott K, Spranger L, Jumpertz von Schwartzenberg R, Decker AM, Krüger U, Volk HD, Spranger J. Association between Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, and Calorie Restriction in Obese Females. J Immunol. 2020 Jul 1.
  • Sbierski-Kind J, Schmidt-Bleek K, Streitz M, Kath J, Spranger J, Volk HD. An Advanced Murine Model for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in Association with Type 2 Diabetes. J Vis Exp. 2019 Apr 26
  • Sbierski-Kind J, Kath J, Brachs S, Streitz M, von Herrath MG, Kühl AA, Schmidt-Bleek K, Mai K, Spranger J, Volk HD. Distinct Housing Conditions Reveal a Major Impact of Adaptive Immunity on the Course of Obesity-Induced Type 2 Diabetes. Front Immunol. 2018 May 28.
  • Grahammer F, Wigge C, Schell C, Kretz O, Patrakka J, Schneider S, Klose M, Kind J, Arnold SJ, Habermann A, Bräuniger R, Rinschen MM, Völker L, Bregenzer A, Rubbenstroth D, Boerries M, Kerjaschki D, Miner JH, Walz G, Benzing T, Fornoni A, Frangakis AS, Huber TB. A flexible, multilayered protein scaffold maintains the slit in between glomerular podocytes. JCI Insight. 2016 Jun 16.