Research Focus

Layoutbild grünes Muster

Malignom &

The intestinal microbiota not only plays a pivotal role for human well-being but also impacts on various diseases such as cancer.

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Layoutbild grünes Muster

Malignom &

Metabolites, derived from microbes or the host, encompass a diverse range of small molecules that play vital roles in regulating fundamental processes in healthy and malignant cells.

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Layoutbild grünes Muster

Microbiome &

At the M3 center, our aim is to unravel the complexity of these relationships, with a focus on identifying microbe-metabolite interactions that can be harnessed for the treatment of various disorders.

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Layoutbild grünes Muster

Bioinformatics & AI

At the M3 Institute, we not only employ established bioinformatics tools but also develop novel approaches, including machine learning, to predict and explore new therapeutic options.

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