Das Klinikum

Dr. rer. nat. Stefanie Liebe
Resident in Neurology and Epileptology / Clinician Scientist
I am a Clinician Scientist interested in clinical and cognitive neurophysiology. I use AI and Machine Learning methods for research questions in systems neuroscience with a specific focus on epilepsy and memory.
Telefonnummer: 07071 29-80442
E-Mail-Adresse: stefanie.liebe@uni-tuebingen.de
Klinik / Institut / Zentrum
Klinische Schwerpunkte
- Epilepsie, Schwerpunkt prächirurgische Anfallsdiagnostik / Video EEG Monitoring
Zur Person
I am a Clinician Scientist with research interests at the intersection of systems neuroscience and epilepsy, with degrees in medicine and psychology. During my PhD in Neuroscience at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen I studied neural mechanisms underlying visual memory using extracellular recordings of single unit activity and local field potentials. After a post-doc in the UK, I continued to work on similar topics using intracranial recordings from human epilepsy patients at the University Hospital Bonn. Recently I became interested in applying AI methods to better understand neural mechanisms of memory and characterising neurological diseases such as epilepsy.
Wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit
- Clinician Scientist, Department of Neurology/Epileptology, Cluster of Excellence 'Machine Learning in Science'
- Co-PI ClinBrain Project: Using AI methods and machine learning tools in the analysis of EEG to support and improve diagnosis of epilepsy in collaboration with Prof. Zeynep Akata
- PI within Priority Programme “Sensing LOOPS: Cortico-subcortical Interactions for Adaptive Sensing” (SPP 2411): Neural Interaction during context dependent visual processing in the human medial temporal lobe.
- Investigating of underlying neural mechanisms of visual perception and memory processing using a. single unit activity and local field potential recordings in the medial temporal lobe of human epilepsy patients and b. deep neural network modelling. Collaboration with Florian Mormann, UK Bonn and Jakob Macke, ML Cluster, UK Tübingen.
- PI Horizon MSCA Doctoral Network 2022 "CheriSh:Cochlear implants and spatial hearing: Enabling access to the next dimension of hearing": Modelling spatial hearing and underlying EEG responses in subjects with normal hearing and cochlear implant users"
Ausbildung & beruflicher Werdegang
- 08/2016-08/2020Research Fellow (AG Prof. Florian Mormann, Cognitive and Clinical Neurophysiology, Clinic for Epileptology / University Hospital Bonn
- 08/2018-08/2020Resident Epileptology, Clinic for Epileptology at the University Hospital Bonn
- 09/2020-presentResident, Department of Neurology with focus on Epileptology
Preise & Auszeichnungen
- Stefanie Liebe, Matthijs Pals, Johannes Niediek, Jakob Macke, Florian Mormann (2022). Phase dependent maintenance of temporal order in biological and artificial recurrent neural networks. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE), Lisbon, Portugal (poster).
- Publikationen
Veranstaltungen / Vorlesungen
- Vorlesung 'Epilepsie' , Studiengang Pflege B.Sc. Universität Tübingen