Adresse: Medizinische Fakultät
Geissweg 5/1
72076 Tübingen

Ansprechpartner{element.icon}: Brigitte Lindenbauer{element.icon}: +49 7071 29-77915{element.icon}:

Educational Scientist

Educational Scientist

While the concept of clinician educators has been well-established in medical education in the Anglo-American world for decades, this science track possibility is still underrepresented at medical faculties in Germany.

With the Educational Scientist Programme, the Medical Faculty of Tübingen offers opportunities to be active in the medical context whilst at the same time focus on medical education and training. This includes for example the development and implementation of evidence-based teaching units, support on career tracks already established at the faculty (e.g. Master of Medical Education, MME), as well as the faculty's own continuing scientific pathway in the area of teaching and educational research (habilitation).

The aim of the Educational Scientist Programme is to promote outstanding scientists in the context of evidence-based, applied medical education.


Overview Educational Scientist Programme

Target group

Physicians as well as health and natural scientists interested in medical education, with a completed doctorate and at least 1 year of work experience in any discipline or in continuing medical education.

Pilot project for the development of the Educational Scientist Programme

On October 1st, 2023, the Educational Scientist Programme started with a pilot project to develop the structure of the Educational Scientist programme in cooperation with a small number of highly motivated candidates.

For the 2nd cohort of the pilot, which will start in October 2024, a maximum of 4 places are now available for interested parties. The programme will run for 2 years.

Entry requirements

The applicant is/has...

  • part of the Medical Faculty of Tübingen 
  • completed doctorate, at least 1 year of work experience 
  • at least MQ I (or equivalent); MQ II (or equivalent) recommended
  • positive evaluations of at least 4SWS of curricular teaching over at least 1 semester

If you do not fully fulfil the criteria at the moment, but are still convinced that you are a suitable candidate for the Educational Scientist programme, please feel free to contact us.

In addition to these general entry requirements:

  • Sub-track Clinical Educator:

Submission of a clear teaching project that can be realised during the course period (for MME students: synergistic with project/master's thesis)

  • Sub-track Researcher

Submission of the completed "List of Publications" form to determine your status (available at -> Information and Documents)

Required application documents

  • cover letter
  • CV
  • letter of motivation including a description of the teaching project to be implemented as part of the Educational Scientist programme
  • overview of curricular teaching achievements up to now (e.g. LOM)

Please note:

Unfortunately, no financial support can be provided by the Faculty of Medicine for the pilot programme. The time off required to participate in the pilot programme must be covered by the sending department. Please enclose a letter of support from your clinic/department management with your application.

If we have raised your interest and you would like to apply for participation in the pilot programme, please send your application in a single PDF file by July, 3rd 2024 with the reference "Application Educational Scientist Programme" to

Dr. Teresa Festl-Wietek

Bereichsleitung Research
