Das Klinikum

Dr. Madhuri Salker PhD MRSB
Margarete von Wrangell-Group Leader
My main research specifically examines local mechanisms within the endometrium involved in implantation and early pregnancy loss.
Telefonnummer: 07071 29-78264
Faxnummer: 07071 29-4663
E-Mail-Adresse: madhuri.salker@med.uni-tuebingen.de
Klinik / Institut / Zentrum
Klinische Schwerpunkte
- Endometrial Physiology
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
- Infertility
- Molecular and Cell Biology
Wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit
Our research specifically examines mechanisms and signal pathways within the endometrium involved in implantation and early pregnancy loss. We are also interested in the dialogue between steroid hormones and the immune cells within the endometrium.
Flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence, qPCR, western blotting, in vitro assays, cell cycle analysis, use of murine models, immune cell biology, RNA-sequencing, AFM and calcium imaging.
We are always interested to hear from excellent candidates. If you are hard-working, motivated, and importantly excited by our work, please send a CV, a list of your published or in preparation manuscript(s), your scientific interests and some information about yourself. Please do contact Dr. M Salker for further information.
Ausbildung & beruflicher Werdegang
- 01/2010-02/2013PhD Clinical Medicine (Reproductive Medicine), Imperial College London
- 02/2014-04/2016EMBO-Post Doctoral Fellowship, Tuebingen
- 05/2016-02/2019DFG-Tuebingen Excellence Fellowship, Group Leader, Tuebingen
- 02/2019-presentMargarete von Wrangell Group Leader - Habilitationsprogramm für Frauen, Tuebingen
Preise & Auszeichnungen
- Deustche Bank -Citizenship Award
- PhD Scholarship from Genesis Research Trust
- EMBO Long-Term Post-Doctoral Fellowship (grant number ATLF 20-2013)
- FEBS/EMBO Paris 2014 Travel Grant
- DFG-Tuebingen Excellence Fellowship (grant number ZUK-63)
- Förtune Grant (grant number 2426-0-0)
- Juntendo University School of Medicine Study exchange program
- IZKF (grant number 2510-0-0)
- Margarete von Wrangell-Habilitationsprogramm für Frauen (grant number 31-7635.41/118/3)
Veranstaltungen / Vorlesungen
- Reproductive Medicine (Imperial College London)
- Reproductive Medicine (University of Oxford)
- Member of the Royal Society of Biology, UK