Das Klinikum

Sonia Golombek
Telefonnummer: 07071 29-83335
E-Mail-Adresse: sonia.golombek@uni-tuebingen.de
Klinik / Institut / Zentrum
Klinische Schwerpunkte
- In vivo Tissue Engineering (mRNA basierte Therapie)
Ausbildung & beruflicher Werdegang
- Seit 2017Naturwissenschaftlicher Doktorand am klinischen Forschungslabor der Klinik für Thorax-, Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie, Tübingen (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Meltem Avci-Adali)
- 2008-2015Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Studium der Biochemie (Dipolm Biochemie)
- Geisler, S., L. Jager, S. Golombek, E. Nakanishi, F. Hans, N. Casadei, A. L. Terradas, C. Linnemann, and P. J. Kahle. "Ubiquitin-Specific Protease Usp36 Knockdown Impairs Parkin-Dependent Mitophagy Via Downregulation of Beclin-1-Associated Autophagy-Related Atg14l." Exp Cell Res 384, no. 2 (Nov 15 2019): 111641.
- Michel, T., S. Golombek, H. Steinle, L. Hann, A. Velic, B. Macek, S. Krajewski, C. Schlensak, H. P. Wendel and M. Avci-Adali (2019). "Efficient reduction of synthetic mRNA induced immune activation by simultaneous delivery of B18R encoding mRNA." J Biol Eng 13: 40.
- Tendulkar, G., S. Ehnert, V. Sreekumar, T. Chen, H. P. Kaps, S. Golombek, H. P. Wendel, A. K. Nussler, and M. Avci-Adali. "Exogenous Delivery of Link N Mrna into Chondrocytes and Mscs-the Potential Role in Increasing Anabolic Response." Int J Mol Sci 20, no. 7 (Apr 6 2019).
- Steinle, H., S. Golombek, A. Behring, C. Schlensak, H. P. Wendel, and M. Avci-Adali. "Improving the Angiogenic Potential of Epcs Via Engineering with Synthetic Modified Mrnas." Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 13 (Dec 7 2018): 387-98.
- Golombek, S., M. Pilz, H. Steinle, E. Kochba, Y. Levin, D. Lunter, C. Schlensak, H. P. Wendel, and M. Avci-Adali. "Intradermal Delivery of Synthetic Mrna Using Hollow Microneedles for Efficient and Rapid Production of Exogenous Proteins in Skin." Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 11 (Jun 1 2018): 382-92.
- Lescan, M., R. M. Perl, S. Golombek, M. Pilz, L. Hann, M. Yasmin, A. Behring, et al. "De Novo Synthesis of Elastin by Exogenous Delivery of Synthetic Modified Mrna into Skin and Elastin-Deficient Cells." Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 11 (Jun 1 2018): 475-84.
- Steinle, H., T. M. Ionescu, S. Schenk, S. Golombek, S. J. Kunnakattu, M. T. Ozbek, C. Schlensak, H. P. Wendel, and M. Avci-Adali. "Incorporation of Synthetic Mrna in Injectable Chitosan-Alginate Hybrid Hydrogels for Local and Sustained Expression of Exogenous Proteins in Cells." Int J Mol Sci 19, no. 5 (Apr 27 2018).
- Weber, M., H. Steinle, S. Golombek, L. Hann, C. Schlensak, H. P. Wendel, and M. Avci-Adali. "Blood-Contacting Biomaterials: In Vitro Evaluation of the Hemocompatibility." Front Bioeng Biotechnol 6 (2018): 99.
- Geisler, S., S. Vollmer, S. Golombek, and P. J. Kahle. "The Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzymes Ube2n, Ube2l3 and Ube2d2/3 Are Essential for Parkin-Dependent Mitophagy." J Cell Sci 127, no. Pt 15 (Aug 1 2014): 3280-93.