Das Klinikum

M.Sc. Aiste Ambrase

M.Sc. Aiste Ambrase

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

M.Sc. Philosophie
Promotionsstudentin der AG Innovative hirnfunktionelle Verfahren
Projekt "Sex differences in neural correlates of moral decision-making"


Telefonnummer: 07071 29-85736

E-Mail-Adresse: aiste.ambrase@med.uni-tuebingen.de

  • 2017 - nowPhD candidate at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany
  • 2012-2013MSc Philosophy at University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • 2007-2011BA Political Science at Vilnius University, Lithuania
  • Ambrase, A.; Lewis, C. A.; Barth, C.; Derntl, B.: Influence of ovarian hormones on value-based decision-making systems: Contribution to sexual dimorphisms in mental disorders. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 60, 100873 (2021)
  • Seibokaite, A.: Climate Change as a ‘Hard’ Case of Collective Responsibility. In Modern Dilemmas: Understanding Collective Action in the 21st Century ed. Kissane D., Volacu A., Ibidem Verlag (2015)
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