Unconscious Bias and Intercultural Diversity in Science
iFIT Workshop
Unconscious Bias in Science
This workshop aims at a deeper awareness of the omnipresence and the impact of “Uncon-scious Bias” also in science. As we focus in Academia usually more on figures and results than on persons and emotions, the inner work and self-reflection about our own selective percep-tion and our biases it is key for any kind of leadership position. In this workshop, we will reflect in a very experiential approach our own attitude towards diversity and will discover together tools and methods how we can overcome the gap between “thinking fast” versus “thinking slow” (D. Kahnemann). This workshop helps creating productive diverse teams and to establish inclusive team cultures, as well as dealing in a professional way with “Unconscious Biases” in decision making situations such as recruiting, delegation, promotion or supervision.
Intercultural Diversity at University
Based on investigations about the impact of cultural differences at work (Hofstede, Trompenaars, Meyer etc.) and own experiences, this workshop provides different approaches to deal with intercultural differences in teams in a constructive and resource-oriented way. With the focus on intercultural communication, we will analyze case studies and typical pitfalls of international team work for a better understanding of hidden values, invisible routines, and unintended impact. We will practice the change of perspectives in culturally sensitive aspects such as hierarchy, working styles, decision making or feedback culture. The workshop will take also in consideration the different educational systems and backgrounds, for the sake of a deeper awareness of our own cultural lenses in Academia, overcoming some of our prejudices and cultural stereotypes.
The workshop is open to all iFIT members but specifally designed for young researchers. Registration deadline is October 31, 2024.