Das Klinikum

Dr. Liudmila Andreeva

Dr. Liudmila Andreeva


Cluster of Excellence iFIT (EXC2180), University Hospital and Medical Faculty


Telefonnummer: 07071 29-86773

E-Mail-Adresse: liudmila.andreeva@med.uni-tuebingen.de

  • 01/2023Research group leader, Cluster of Excellence 2180 ("iFIT") and Medical Faculty
  • 08/2018-12/2022Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Prof. Dr. Hao Wu's lab, Boston Children's Hospital / Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
  • 08/2013-07/2018PhD in Biochemistry, Prof. Dr. Karl-Peter Hopfner's lab, Gene center Munich, LMU, Munich, Germany
  • 09/2008-06/2013Diploma in Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
  • 2023: Damon Runyon-Dale F. Frey Award for Breakthrough Scientists, Boston,USA
  • 07/2019-12/2022: Damon Runyon Fellowship Award, Boston, USA
  • 2017: Römer-Prize for excellent scientific achievements (PhD category), Munich, Germany
  • 08/2013-07/2018: International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences: From Biology to Medicine (IMPRS-LS), Munich, Germany
  • Andreeva L., David L., Rawson S., Shen C., Pasricha T., Pelegrin P., and Wu H. (2021). “NLRP3 cages revealed by full-length mouse NLRP3 structure control pathway activation.” Cell. 184(26):6299-6312.e6222
  • Shen C., Li R., Negro R., Cheng J., Vora S. M., Fu T.-M., Wang A., He K., Andreeva L., Gao P., Tian Z., Flavell R. A., Zhu S., and Wu H. (2021). “Phase separation drives RNA virus-induced activation of the NLRP6 inflammasome.” Cell. 184(23):5759-5774.e20
  • Bittner Z.A., Liu X., Mateo Tortola M., Tapia-Abellán A., Shankar S., Andreeva L., Mangan M., Spalinger M., Kalbacher H., Düwell P., Lovotti M., Bosch K., Dickhöfer S., Marcu A., Stevanović S., Herster F., Cardona Gloria Y., Chang T.H., Bork F., Greve C.L., Löffler M.W., Wolz O.O., Schilling N.A., Kümmerle-Deschner J.B., Wagner S., Delor A., Grimbacher B., Hantschel O., Scharl M., Wu H., Latz E., and Weber A.N.R. (2021) “BTK operates a phospho-tyrosine switch to regulate NLRP3 inflammasome activity.” J. Exp. Med. 218(11):e20201656
  • Apel F., Andreeva L., Knackstedt L.S., Streeck R., Frese C.K., Goosmann C., Hopfner K.-P., and Zychlinsky A. (2021). “The cytosolic DNA sensor cGAS recognizes neutrophil extracellular traps.” Sci. Signal. 4(673):eaax7942
  • Sharif H., Wang L., Wang W. L., Magupalli V. G., Andreeva L., Qiao Q., Hauenstein A. V., Wu Z., Núñez G., Mao Y., and Wu H. (2019). "Structural mechanism for NEK7-licensed activation of NLRP3 inflammasome." Nature 570(7761)
  • Andreeva L., Hiller B., Kostrewa D., Lässig C., de Oliveira Mann C.C., Drexler D.J., Maiser A., Gaidt M., Leonhardt H., Hornung V., and Hopfner K.-P. (2017) “cGAS senses long and HMGB/TFAM bound U-turn DNA by forming protein-DNA ladders.” Nature 549(7672): 394-398
  • Herzner A.M., Hagmann C.A., Goldeck M., Wolter S., Kübler K., Wittmann S., Gramberg T., Andreeva L., Hopfner K.-P., Mertens C., Zillinger T., Jin T., Xiao T.S., Bartok E., Coch C., Ackermann D., Hornung V., Ludwig J., Barchet W., Hartmann G., and Schlee M. (2015) “Sequence-specific activation of the DNA sensor cGAS by Y-form DaTNA structures as found in primary HIV-1 cDNA.” Nat. Immunol. 16(10):1025-33
  • Mankan A.K., Schmidt T., Chauhan D., Goldeck M., Höning K., Gaidt M., Kubarenko A.V., Andreeva L., Hopfner K.-P., and Hornung V. (2014) “Cytosolic RNA:DNA hybrids activate the cGAS–STING axis.” EMBO J. 33(24):2937-46
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