- D.J. Perkins, P.G. Kremsner, J.B. Weinberg:Inverse relationship of plasma prostaglandin E2 and blood mononuclear cell cyclooxygenase-2 with disease severity in children with Plasmodium falciparum malaria.Journal of Infectious Diseases 183: 113-118 (2001)
- J. May, B. Lell, A.J.F. Luty, C.G. Meyer, P.G. Kremsner:HLA-DQB1*0501-restricted Th1 type immune responses to Plasmodium falciparum liver stage antigen 1 protect against malaria anemia and reinfections.Journal of Infectious Diseases 183: 168-172 (2001)
- C. Lindenthal, E.A. Elsinghorst:Enteroxigenic Escherichia coli TibA glycoprotein adheres to human intestine epithelial cells.Infection and Immunity 69: 52-57 (2001)
- A. Schwenke, C. Brandts, J. Philipps, S. Winkler, W.H. Wernsdorfer, P.G. Kremsner:Declining chloroquine resistance of Plasmodium falciparum in Lambarene, Gabon from 1992 to 1998.Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 113: 63-64 (2001)
- A. Draube, R. Pfister, M. Vockerodt, S. Schuster, D. Kube, V. Diehl, H. Tesch:Immunomagnetic enrichment of CD138 positive cells from weakly infiltrated myeloma patients samples enables the determination of the tumor clone specific IgH rearrangemenent.Annals of Hematology 80: 83-89 (2001)
- M. Vockerodt, B. Haier, P. Buttgereit, H. Tesch, D. Kube:The Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein 1 induces interleukin-10 in Burkitt's lymphoma cells but not in Hodgkin's cells involving the p38/SAPK2 pathway.Virology 280: 183-198 (2001)
- B. Lell, M. Sovric, D. Schmid, D. Luckner, K. Herbich, H. Long, W. Graninger, P.G. Kremsner:Effect of antipyretic drugs in children with malaria.Clinical Infectious Diseases 32: 838-841 (2001)
- H.J. Schluesener, P.G. Kremsner, R. Meyermann:Heme oxygenase-1 in lesions of human cerebral malaria.Acta Neuropathologica 101: 65-68 (2001)
- J.D. Kurtis, M.R. Hollingdale, A.J.F. Luty, D.E. Lanar, U. Krzych, P.E. Duffy:Pre-erythrocytic immunity to Plasmodium falciparum: the case for an LSA-1 vaccine.Trends in Parasitology 17: 219-223 (2001)
- B. Lell, R. Viehbahn, P.G. Kremsner:The activity of ozone against Plasmodium falciparum.Ozone Science and Engineering 23: 89-93 (2001)
- V. Poaty-Mavoungou, R. Onanga, P. Yaba, A. Delicat, G. Dubreuil, E. Mavoungou:Comparative analysis of natural killer cell analysis, lymphoproliferation and lymphocyte surface antigen expression in nonhuman primates housed at the CIRMF primate center, Gabon.Journal of Medical Primatology 30: 26-35 (2001)
- R.H. Binks, J. Baum, A.M.J. Oduola, D.E. Arnot, H.A. Babiker, P.G. Kremsner, C. Roper, B.M. Greenwood, D.J. Conway:Population genetic analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte binding antigen-175 (eba-175) gene.Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 114: 63-70 (2001)
- V. Poaty-Mavoungou, R. Onanga, I. Bedjabaga, E. Mavoungou:Simian immunodeficiency virus from mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) SIVmnd experimentally infects human and nonhuman primate cells.Microbes and Infection 3: 1-12 (2001)
- E.H.K. Sylla, B. Lell, J.F.J. Kun, P.G. Kremsner:Plasmodium falciparum transmission intensity and infection rates in children in Gabon.Parasitology Research 87: 530-533 (2001)
- H.Y. Long, B. Lell, K. Dietz, P.G. Kremsner:Plasmodium falciparum: in vitro growth inhibition by febrile temperatures.Parasitology Research 87: 553-555 (2001)
- D. Kube, M. Vockerodt:Transient gene expression and MACS enrichment.Methods in Molecular Biology 174: 155-164 (2001)
- D. Kube, U. Holtick, M. Vockerodt, T. Ahmadi, B. Haier, I. Behrmann, P.C. Heinrich, V. Diehl, H. Tesch:STAT3 is constitutively activated in Hodgkin cell lines.Blood 98: 762-770 (2001)
- A. Tebo, P.G. Kremsner, A.J.F. Luty:Plasmodium falciparum: A major role for IgG3 in antibody-dependent monocyte-mediated cellular inhibition of parasite growth in vitro.Experimental Parasitology 98: 20-28 (2001)
- J.F.J. Kun, B. Mordmüller, D.J. Perkins, J. May, O. Mercereau-Puijalon, M. Alpers, J.B. Weinberg, P.G. Kremsner:Nitric oxide synthase 2Lambarene (G-954C), increased nitric oxide production, and protection against malaria.Journal of Infectious Diseases 184: 330-336 (2001)
- D. Kube, H. Rieth, J. Eskdale, P.G. Kremsner, G. Gallagher:Structural characterization of the distal 5' flanking region of the human interleukin-10 gene.Genes and Immunity 2: 181-190 (2001)
- D.P. Mawili-Mboumba, M.T. Ekala, F. Lekoulou, F. Ntoumi:Molecular analysis of DHFR and DHPS genes in P. falciparum clinical isolates from the Haut-Ogooue region in Gabon.Acta Tropica 78: 231-240 (2001)
- D. Kube, D. Schmidt, M. Mörmann, A.C. Uhlemann, J. Tomiuk, H. Tesch, P.G. Kremsner:Semiautomated and simultaneous analysis of the interleukin-10 gene microsatellites IL-10G and IL-10R by fluorescence-based polymerase chain reaction reveals significant differences in allelle distributions between Caucasians (Germany) and Africans (Gabon).European Cytokine Network 12: 537-544 (2001)
- S. Borrmann, N. Szlezak, J.F. Faucher, P.B. Matsiegui, R. Neubauer, R. Binder, B. Lell, P.G. Kremsner:Artesunate and praziquantel for the treatment of Schistosoma haematobium infections: a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study.Journal of Infectious Diseases 184: 1363-1366 (2001)
- A.C. Uhlemann, R.M. Oguariri, D.J. McColl, R.L. Coppel, P.G. Kremsner, R.F. Anders, J.F.J. Kun:Properties of the Plasmodium falciparum homologue of a protective vaccine candidate of Plasmodium yoelii.Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 118: 41-48 (2001)
- R.M. Oguariri, S. Borrmann, M.Q. Klinkert, P.G. Kremsner, J.F.J. Kun:High prevalence of human antibodies to recombinant duffy binding-like alpha domains of the Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocyte membrane protein 1 in semi-immune adults compared to that in nonimmune children.Infection and Immunity 69: 7603-7609 (2001)
- M.A. Missinou, J.F.J. Kun, B. Lell, P.G. Kremsner:Change in Plasmodium falciparum genotype during successive malaria episodes in Gabonese children.Parasitology Research 87: 1020-1023 (2001)
- A. Wilfing, S. Winkler, K. Schrattbauer, M. Willheim, K. Bauer, A. Aichelburg, T. Müller, W. Graninger, P.G. Kremsner:African-European differences in the capacity of T-cell cytokine production.American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 65: 504-509 (2001)
- T. Planche, S. Krishna, M. Kombila, K. Engel, J.F. Faucher, E. Ngou-Milama, P.G. Kremsner:Comparison of methods for the rapid laboratory assessment of children with malaria.American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 65: 599-602 (2001)
- M.P. Grobusch, K. Göbels, D. Teichmann, F. Bergmann, N. Suttorp:Early-stage elephantiasis in Bancroftian filariasis.European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 20: 835-836 (2001)
- B. Lell, S. Borrmann, M. Yazdanbakhsh, P.G. Kremsner:Atopy and malaria.Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 113: 927-929 (2001)
- A.H. van den Biggelaer, C. Lopuhaa, R. van Ree, J.S. van der Zee, J. Jans, A. Hoek, B. Migombet, S. Borrmann, D. Luckner, P.G. Kremsner, M. Yazdanbakhsh:The prevalence of parasite infestation and house dust mite sensitization in Gabonese schoolchildren.International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 126: 231-238 (2001)
- A.J.F. Luty, M. Bongartz, P. Rezbach, J.F. Faucher, M.R. Hollingdale, P.G. Kremsner:Plasmodium falciparum liver stage antigen-1 peptide-specific interferon-gamma responses are not suppressed during uncomplicated malaria in African children.European Cytokine Network 12: 647-653 (2001)
- F. Migot-Nabias, A.J.F. Luty, T.N. Minh, I. Fajardy, G.R.Tamouza, F. Marzais, D. Charron, P.M. Danze, A. Renaut, P. Deloron:HLA alleles in relation to specific immunity to liver stage antigen-1 from Plasmodium falciparum in Gabon.Genes and Immunity 2: 4-10 (2001)
- F. Ntoumi, J. Ngoundou-Landji, A. Luty, G. Dubreuil, P. Millet:Polymorphisme allellique du gene MSP-2 de Plasmodium falciparum analyse a partir d'echantillons sanguins d'enfants gabonais. Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique 94: 183-187 (2001)
- S. Issifou, S. Ndjikou, A. Sanni, F. Lekoulou, F. Ntoumi:Pas d'influence de la saison de transmission ni de l'age des patients sur la complexite et la diversite genetique des infections a Plasmodium falciparum au Benin.Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique 94: 195-198 (2001)
- E.M. Leroy, S. Baize, P. Debre, J. Landsoud-Soukate, E. Mavoungou:Early immune responses accompanying human asymptomatic Ebola infections.Clinical and Experimental Immunology 124: 453-460 (2001)
- F.S. Toure, E. Mavoungou, J.M. Ndong, P. Tshipamba, P. Deloron:Erythrocyte binding antigen (EBA-175) of Plasmodium falciparum: improved genotype determination by nested polymerase chain reaction.Tropical Medicine and International Health 6: 767-769 (2001)
- M. Vockerodt, H. Tesch, D. Kube:Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein-1 activates CD25 expression in lymphoma cells involving NFkappaB pathway.Genes and Immunity 2: 433-441 (2001)
- A. Khattab, J. Kun, P. Deloron, P.G. Kremsner, M.Q. Klinkert:Variants of Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 expressed by different placental parasites are closely related and adhere to chondroitin sulfate A.Journal of Infectious Diseases 183: 1165-1169 (2001)
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