Our body surfaces are home to trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the microbiome. Dissecting the effect of individual microbes on biological processes, diseases, or treatment is challenging due to the vast number of distinct microbes. Our facility offers the opportunity to investigate the individual or combined effect of specific microbes (bacteria, fungi, etc.) on the immune-, digestive-, neurological system, cancer, and many other physiological and pathophysiological states. The M3GF provides the infrastructure and technical expertise to answer such questions in germ-free, S1 (commensal microbes), and S2 (pathogenic microbes) settings. Moreover, the M3GF offers technical solutions for cutting-edge research (sonography, fluorescent/bioluminescent imaging, metabolomics monitoring, and more) in gnotobiotic conditions.
M3 gnotobiotic facility (M3GF)
If you are interested in using the gnotobiotic facility or would like more information about using the facility, please email us:
E-Mail-Adresse: m3gf@med.uni-tuebingen.de